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VOOM STB Version 00.05.68: Features/Bugs/Requests | Page 4 | SatelliteGuys.US

VOOM STB Version 00.05.68: Features/Bugs/Requests

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I was so cornfused, I was wondering why the Back button didn't Page backwards and was so frustrated everytime I tried to navigate since I'd hit Back and lose the Guide and change channels. DOH! I thought I read the manual thoroughly, apparently not!

Walter, I need to get my Pronto programmed for this thing so I can have a REAL Back button. :D
I had my isntallation done last week. I still can't get it to get me off the TARGETED version of .68. I leave it in standby mode every night and during working hours. I have hard rebooted (unlplugging for 1+ minute) numerous times as well. To no avail. My SAT Signal Quality ranges for 48 to 52, I know that can't be good, but I have read that it has gone up after the update. (Plus my guide is off by an hour and I called several times and no one can fix it) Is there anything I can do to force the software update other than reboot?
C-Russ said:
I had my isntallation done last week. I still can't get it to get me off the TARGETED version of .68. I leave it in standby mode every night and during working hours. I have hard rebooted (unlplugging for 1+ minute) numerous times as well. To no avail. My SAT Signal Quality ranges for 48 to 52, I know that can't be good, but I have read that it has gone up after the update. (Plus my guide is off by an hour and I called several times and no one can fix it) Is there anything I can do to force the software update other than reboot?
1 week - it sounds like you should've gotten the upgrade by now. 48-52 is a good signal for the old software.
"Black screen" reproduced

Just found this. While on an HD channel, if I press the following sequence of buttons: "Help", "Info", "OK" and then "Watch", I end up having black screen. Sound is present, but there is no picture. Switching channels restores the picture.

Seems to be a software bug. Can someone try this to make sure it's not just my STB? Thanks.
C-russ, I had the saem problem, but eventually got the code push. It fixed my clock being off by an hour. Leave a message onthe yahoo VOOM forum for Wilt, that got it fixed for me.
Stalker said:
So where do you look in your Voom settings to check what version you have?

voom button ---> green button---> system settings---> option #7----> scroll down to software version.
I have only had VOOM for 2 days but I will add my observations. Immediately had prog guide info. Time was incorrect,however. Then I got the big 5.68 and things got worse-- I only had channels lised, no- prog info. I called VOOM and was told.... to unplug the unit!! I never would have guessed that! Anyway I pulled the plug (happened to be the same outlet as my Dishplayer 7100) -the reboot happened and--I got all I expected and more. ALL my locals were there including program info!! Right now this box is blowing away my Dish 6000.The locals are also 100x more reliable than the 6000. 6000 used to struggle with getting a pic on my local UPN. VOOM hauls it in rock solid. I told installer not to worry about OTA, now I wish I had him add it. From the performance of every STB I have had, I got 2 channels no matter what-- this VOOM box may have gotten more-- I will play with it. I AM HAPPY WITH VOOM!!
mattyro said:
... to unplug the unit!! I never would have guessed that! Anyway I pulled the plug (happened to be the same outlet as my Dishplayer 7100) -the reboot happened and--I got all I expected and more...
If you ever have to reboot again you can also do it by pressing and holding down the power button on front of the STB for ~6 secs.
Have any of you guys gotten DVI dropouts with the lastest code? Mine still seems to flicker out every once in a while on DVI but never on component.

hannonpi said:
Have any of you guys gotten DVI dropouts with the lastest code? Mine still seems to flicker out every once in a while on DVI but never on component.


Not here... and I have DVI connection now. Is your TV HDCP compliant? I wonder why you still get those still.
Yeah its a toshiba 42H82 which is HDCP compliant. I tried a hard reboot, am going to pull the power tonight an see if it jolts itself into being fixed. Otherwise the box works fine, so I don't think its hardware, maybe I have a bad DVI cable? Do you need HDCP compliant cables? I just use a regular DVI cable that I had at work. I've hooked the TV up to other DVI sources with no problems (including my dish 811).

I do not think it is the cable. Try the unplug/plug. If that does not work, I will suggest a swap of stb. I do not think there are anybody getting those still with the new software.
Walter L. said:
If you ever have to reboot again you can also do it by pressing and holding down the power button on front of the STB for ~6 secs.

How about this for a suggestion for the next release: a reboot command in the menus. Why not make it easier since we end up doing it so often? That way it will be easier for the kids and wives to reboot when I'm not around...
bbtkd said:
How about this for a suggestion for the next release: a reboot command in the menus. Why not make it easier since we end up doing it so often? That way it will be easier for the kids and wives to reboot when I'm not around...
In most cases you need to reboot because the box has locked up and stopped responding to your remote. So, you wouldn't be able to navigate a menu in such case. :yes
I haven't had to reboot mine since the last software upgrade, but I had a weird thing last night: I removed PlayboyHD from my Favs since I unsubscribed and now when I hit Favs, the list pops up and if I hit the top of the Page button to go backwards, I get a Black screen that says there is no programming of that type. ??? It goes forward OK then goes back but once it gets to channel 2 I get that message again. Maybe it's time for a reboot? I'll do it before I retire this evening, I hate waiting so long for the Guide info to show back up.
I suspect that a significant number of problems that we encounter are due to signal strength issues. To help us get a handle on that, it would sure be nice if the main Voom menu page displayed the signal strength/quality of the current channel. That way when we experience problems, we can quickly determine signal strength without having to go through several menus and put up with the beeping. I think we'll be able to identify antenna issues more easily also - if I am suddenly getting low signal strength I may run outside to find birds sitting on the feed!
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