What happened to the updates on the sub numbers? Ever since the bad news about 26k Ive heard NOTHING?
calikarim said:My best guess is 45 000, including those waiting to be installed. With the new $1 promotion, everyone i know who has HD is getting or contending gettting Voom. You spend $5000 on a set you want to watch 40 HD channels, 70 by March. If voom follows thru with their proposed 70 channels HD and 300 SD channels, my god there will be a mass migration to VOom. Recently they added Food Network and DIY, and HGTV, so they are listening.
It is in all our interest, all HD lovers to promote and support voom If voom disappears, Charlie Ergen and Direct Tv with their huge monopolistic powers and slow wheels of bureaucracy will stall the HD revolution.
calikarim said:My best guess is 45 000, including those waiting to be installed. With the new $1 promotion, everyone i know who has HD is getting or contending gettting Voom. You spend $5000 on a set you want to watch 40 HD channels, 70 by March. If voom follows thru with their proposed 70 channels HD and 300 SD channels, my god there will be a mass migration to VOom. Recently they added Food Network and DIY, and HGTV, so they are listening.
It is in all our interest, all HD lovers to promote and support voom If voom disappears, Charlie Ergen and Direct Tv with their huge monopolistic powers and slow wheels of bureaucracy will stall the HD revolution.
rasecane1 said:Yes, out of the five people I personally convinced to give VOOM a shot, three have already jumped ship. It's pretty embarassing.
riffjim4069 said:I get the feeling they are doing a fair number of installs. [Up to] 70 HD channels, an elliptical dish and a DVR could, in my opinion, create tremendous growth - toss in firewire and those numbers would be explosive.
riffjim4069 said:I get the feeling they are doing a fair number of installs. [Up to] 70 HD channels, an elliptical dish and a DVR could, in my opinion, create tremendous growth - toss in firewire and those numbers would be explosive.
andrzej said:I bet those three are not HD aficionados but just TV viewers (or they can't live without an overdose of NFL via Sunday Ticket or shopping channels or religious channels). It's true that for a typical TV viewer Voom is not the best option.
I can't disagree with you more. First, you need to view the term 'explosive' in its proper context (BTW, we're in the VOOM Forum and not the D* or E* Forum). While an increase in 75,000 customers would be a drop in the bucker for D* or E*, that number represents significant (explosive) growth for VOOM.barth2k said:Explosive? I'm sorry but I seriously doubt there are thousands upon thousands of people out there just waiting to jump on a provider with firewire support? How many people even own a set with firewire? How many own a firewire recorder? We're talking about a tiny subset of an already small subset.
This is the danger of participating in a small discussion group. After a while, you start to think everyone else is just like you, when in fact you comprise a very small minority.
Well, it's pretty quiet around these parts over the holiday season. However, I get the feeling things are really going to pick-up during 1st Quarter 2005. Anyway, I could be totally wrong, but here is what I see happening over the next few months:vinnyv07 said:The only thing is ...I dont believe a DVR will ever come out. And ...I cant see them adding 70 HD ch's. No talk of when they are going to upgrade the dish. I really am having my doubts about anything they promise. As it stands I am happy with the Voom service. Its just that I would be totally happy if they came out with the DVR. 1st half of 2005? I dont even believe that. Cant they narrow it down better than that? First half means any where from Jan to June?
Sean Mota said:These are subjective numbers which does not give you the overall numbers. The SEC filings are the best source of information. Subjective opinions vary and are subject to all kind of biases.
riffjim4069 said:4. The Spin-off won't occur until early February.
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