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VOOM sub numbers? | SatelliteGuys.US

VOOM sub numbers?


On Double Secret Probation
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
What happened to the updates on the sub numbers? Ever since the bad news about 26k Ive heard NOTHING?
They're probably going backwards is my guess. I'd be embarrassed to post the numbers as well.
I get the feeling they are doing a fair number of installs. [Up to] 70 HD channels, an elliptical dish and a DVR could, in my opinion, create tremendous growth - toss in firewire and those numbers would be explosive.
I think 45 -50 000

My best guess is 45 000, including those waiting to be installed. With the new $1 promotion, everyone i know who has HD is getting or contending gettting Voom. You spend $5000 on a set you want to watch 40 HD channels, 70 by March. If voom follows thru with their proposed 70 channels HD and 300 SD channels, my god there will be a mass migration to VOom. Recently they added Food Network and DIY, and HGTV, so they are listening.

It is in all our interest, all HD lovers to promote and support voom If voom disappears, Charlie Ergen and Direct Tv with their huge monopolistic powers and slow wheels of bureaucracy will stall the HD revolution.
calikarim said:
My best guess is 45 000, including those waiting to be installed. With the new $1 promotion, everyone i know who has HD is getting or contending gettting Voom. You spend $5000 on a set you want to watch 40 HD channels, 70 by March. If voom follows thru with their proposed 70 channels HD and 300 SD channels, my god there will be a mass migration to VOom. Recently they added Food Network and DIY, and HGTV, so they are listening.

It is in all our interest, all HD lovers to promote and support voom If voom disappears, Charlie Ergen and Direct Tv with their huge monopolistic powers and slow wheels of bureaucracy will stall the HD revolution.

It might be in my interest if i could actually get VOOM to work, get an installer to actually keep an appointment and just be able to axctually turn on the crappy stb and see all this hd that everyone is talking about. i have tried supporting voom , ive tried b*tching about Voom , nothing seems to work, my guess is they just dont have a clue. and if things continue at the pace they are DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THEY WILL ACTUALLY COME THRU AT THE PACE MENTIONED ABOVE , i doubt it
calikarim said:
My best guess is 45 000, including those waiting to be installed. With the new $1 promotion, everyone i know who has HD is getting or contending gettting Voom. You spend $5000 on a set you want to watch 40 HD channels, 70 by March. If voom follows thru with their proposed 70 channels HD and 300 SD channels, my god there will be a mass migration to VOom. Recently they added Food Network and DIY, and HGTV, so they are listening.

It is in all our interest, all HD lovers to promote and support voom If voom disappears, Charlie Ergen and Direct Tv with their huge monopolistic powers and slow wheels of bureaucracy will stall the HD revolution.

They dipped to a low of 22K two months ago. So I doubt they have doubled the number of subs in 60 days. Installers are reporting a 90% uninstall rate of the total Voom installs. This is on Yahoo Groups.
Yes, out of the five people I personally convinced to give VOOM a shot, three have already jumped ship. It's pretty embarassing.
rasecane1 said:
Yes, out of the five people I personally convinced to give VOOM a shot, three have already jumped ship. It's pretty embarassing.

I bet those three are not HD aficionados but just TV viewers (or they can't live without an overdose of NFL via Sunday Ticket or shopping channels or religious channels). It's true that for a typical TV viewer Voom is not the best option.
riffjim4069 said:
I get the feeling they are doing a fair number of installs. [Up to] 70 HD channels, an elliptical dish and a DVR could, in my opinion, create tremendous growth - toss in firewire and those numbers would be explosive.

The only thing is ...I dont believe a DVR will ever come out. And ...I cant see them adding 70 HD ch's. No talk of when they are going to upgrade the dish. I really am having my doubts about anything they promise. As it stands I am happy with the Voom service. Its just that I would be totally happy if they came out with the DVR. 1st half of 2005? I dont even believe that. Cant they narrow it down better than that? First half means any where from Jan to June?
riffjim4069 said:
I get the feeling they are doing a fair number of installs. [Up to] 70 HD channels, an elliptical dish and a DVR could, in my opinion, create tremendous growth - toss in firewire and those numbers would be explosive.

Explosive? I'm sorry but I seriously doubt there are thousands upon thousands of people out there just waiting to jump on a provider with firewire support? How many people even own a set with firewire? How many own a firewire recorder? We're talking about a tiny subset of an already small subset.

This is the danger of participating in a small discussion group. After a while, you start to think everyone else is just like you, when in fact you comprise a very small minority.
The reason people don't know about things like firewire and such is salesman do not tell the customer about such thing, when I bought my D-Theater JVC D-VHS from ABC Warehouse, just to play along with him, I asked him about recording HD over Sat., and he said no problem, just plug the Sat. output to the back, then the D-VHS to the TV, I then asked him what the Firewire port was for, and he said to update the unit like you have to when you bring in DVD's for updates, he then said that was better (I have a Samy-165 for OTA that has Firewire working, if I was not getting it for $300.00 I would have been gone) no one knows about these things, not even the people selling them.

Now the DVR/PVR, yes I want one for HD, but out of all the TV watching public out there, only about 3-5 million have them(for SD)-that's cable, D* and E*, to say it will break out a company is crazy, in the next 5 or so years maybe, now, I don't think so.
andrzej said:
I bet those three are not HD aficionados but just TV viewers (or they can't live without an overdose of NFL via Sunday Ticket or shopping channels or religious channels). It's true that for a typical TV viewer Voom is not the best option.

Ok, think about what you just posted, "HD aficionados", if Voom just targeted them( which is very limited base), they will never get ahead, they need to go after everyone that's has a HD set, if not, they will be out of money way before the "HD aficionados" catch up in numbers.

This is from a person who said he is a installer:
Posted by: signalman1,12-16-2004 09:21 PM

I have been installing Voom since they started and i for one have deinstalled around 96 percent of the installs that went in --- all for various reasons - but mostly just because Vooms data stream issues or horendous software problems . I can't understand why anyone is even supporting them after SkyRetailer blasted them so hard last month . I am glad to see the end of the off air antenna service call ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Good luck to the guys that are still wrestling with that beast

If this is True, that means only 4% of his installs are HD aficionados, that's bad.
And I don't need NFL Sunday Ticket or shopping channels or religious channels.
These are subjective numbers which does not give you the overall numbers. The SEC filings are the best source of information. Subjective opinions vary and are subject to all kind of biases.
barth2k said:
Explosive? I'm sorry but I seriously doubt there are thousands upon thousands of people out there just waiting to jump on a provider with firewire support? How many people even own a set with firewire? How many own a firewire recorder? We're talking about a tiny subset of an already small subset.

This is the danger of participating in a small discussion group. After a while, you start to think everyone else is just like you, when in fact you comprise a very small minority.
I can't disagree with you more. First, you need to view the term 'explosive' in its proper context (BTW, we're in the VOOM Forum and not the D* or E* Forum). While an increase in 75,000 customers would be a drop in the bucker for D* or E*, that number represents significant (explosive) growth for VOOM.

I will assume you are unaware there are roughly 8 million Mitsubishi TVs and Sony Camcorders, currently in the homes of millions of US consumers, that use firewire technology...and that's just two product lines. I can't mention how many JVS/Mitsubishi D-VHS recorders are out there because I cannot locate any marketing data. As you can see we're talking millions (and not dozens, not hundreds nor even 10's of thousands) of potential customers who may wish to make better use of their consumer products. Does this mean a large percentage of them care about VOOM or firewire? Absolutely not since only a small percentage will be interested in VOOM! But there is certainly a larger market than you may care to admit. Anyway, I'm sure the facts speak for themselves.

Here is a current list of firewire enabled Mits TVs and Sony Camcorders:

WS-48515 48-inch 515 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-55515 55-inch 515 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-65615 65-inch 515 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-55615 55-inch 615 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-65615 65-inch 615 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-73615 73-inch 615 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-55815 55-inch 815 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WS-65815 65-inch 815 Series Digital Cable Ready HDTV
WD-52525 52-inch 525 Series Digital Cable Ready MicroDisplay HDTV
WD-62525 62-inch 525 Series Digital Cable Ready Micro Display HDTV
WD-52725 725 Series Digital Cable Ready MicroDisplay HDTV
WD-62725 725 Series Digital Cable Ready MicroDisplay HDTV
WD-52825 825 Series Digital Cable Ready MicroDisplay HDTV
WD-62825 825 Series Digital Cable Ready MicroDisplay HDTV
LT-4260 42-inch Diamond Digital Cable Ready LCD Flat Panel HDTV
WS-48513 Gold Series 48-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-55513 Gold Series 55-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65513 Gold Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-73513 Gold Series 73-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-48613 Gold Plus Series 48-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-55613 Gold Plus Series 55-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65613 Gold Plus Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-48511 Platinum Series 48-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-55511 Platinum Series 55-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65511 Platinum Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65713 Platinum Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-73713 Platinum Series 73-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65611 Platinum Series Plus 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-55711 Diamond Series 55-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-55813 Diamond Series 55-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65711 Diamond Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65813 Diamond Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-73711 Diamond Series73-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-65712 Select Series 65-inch Integrated HDTV
WL-82913 Alpha 82-inch Integrated HDTV
WS-B55 Best Buy Exclusive 55-inch Integrated TV

DCR-HC20 Handycam
DCR-HC30 Handycam
DCR-HC40 Handycam
DCR-HC65 Handycam
DCR-HC85 Handycam
DCR-IP5 MicroDV Handycam
DCR-PC5 Handycam
DCR-IP7BT Handycam
DCR-PC109 Handycam
DCR-PC110 Handycam
DCR-PC120 Handycam
DCR-TRV50 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV130 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV230 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV330 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV530 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV730 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV830 Digital 8 Handycam
DCR-TRV17 DV Handycam
DCR-PC9 DV Handycam
DCR-PC101 DV Handycam
DCR-TR30 DV Handycam
DCR-PC110 DV Handycam
DCR-TRV900 DV Handycam
DCR-VX2000 DV Handycam
DCR-TRV70 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV80 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-IP55 Micro MV Handycam
DCR-PC330 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV350 Digital8 Handycam
DCR-TRV19 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV22 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV33 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV38 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV39 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-IP1 Micro MV Handycam
DCR-HC20 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV250 Digital8 Handycam
DCR-TRV950 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-IP220 Micro MV Handycam
DCR-PDX10 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-VX2100 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-TRV260 Hi8/Digital8 Handycam
DCR-PC350 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-DVD101 DVD Handycam
DCR-DVD201 DVD Handycam
DVR-HC1000 Mini DV Handycam
DCR-PC109 Handycam
DCR-TRV460 Digital8 Handycam
CDR-IP55 Micro MV Handycam
vinnyv07 said:
The only thing is ...I dont believe a DVR will ever come out. And ...I cant see them adding 70 HD ch's. No talk of when they are going to upgrade the dish. I really am having my doubts about anything they promise. As it stands I am happy with the Voom service. Its just that I would be totally happy if they came out with the DVR. 1st half of 2005? I dont even believe that. Cant they narrow it down better than that? First half means any where from Jan to June?
Well, it's pretty quiet around these parts over the holiday season. However, I get the feeling things are really going to pick-up during 1st Quarter 2005. Anyway, I could be totally wrong, but here is what I see happening over the next few months:

1. VOOM will announce 55k subscribers after the new year.
2. DVR will be showcased at CES - a real working prototype.
3. There will be a phased roll-out of the Super-DMA Map from 15 Jan-28 Feb.
4. The Spin-off won't occur until early February.
5. DarellP's skeeter noise will slowly disappear, and then reappear, and finally disappear during 1st Quarter.
6. SES Americom will be fully operational by 1 March...however, only a meager few thousand of the Eliptical dishes will have been installed. A fair number of Forum member will go out and buy the bigger dish and report the channels being added.
7. Sorry, but there will be no DVR during the 1st Quarter. However, VOOM will finalized it's marketing/installation plan and we'll begin hearing bits and pieces about the DVR being leaked by Corporate.
8. There will be a massive DVR promotion as soon as the current promotion expires on 1 March. The pricing will be below the $500 point and will offer a rental option of $9.50 per month. Current customers will be permitted to swap-out a receiver for a $49.99 truck roll - a DVR can be added to the mix for a $99.99 truck roll - customers requesting DVR service will be upgraded to the Eliptical dish - DVR customers must agree to a 6-month extension of their service plan.
9. New customers after 1 March will receive the Eliptical dish and $1 DVR install offer with 12-month commitment.

Anyway, those are my fearless (if not void of any common sense) predictions for 1st Quarter and beyond.
Sean Mota said:
These are subjective numbers which does not give you the overall numbers. The SEC filings are the best source of information. Subjective opinions vary and are subject to all kind of biases.

Just trying to make a point, if Voom just goes after the "HD aficionados" they will go down, they need to appeal to the "wow, that's a pretty picture" people.
riffjim4069 said:
4. The Spin-off won't occur until early February.

It might be a little longer for the spin-off:
"Cablevision recently disclosed in a public filing that the spinoff of Rainbow Media, which includes the three cable networks and high-def satcaster Voom, would be delayed into 2005 as it undergoes an 18-month-long SEC probe into its accounting practices."

I'm Happy with my Voom Service warts and all

What is with TNTHD drop outs etc?

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