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Voom vs. Direct sucks!

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Conjuror said:
How many times I have to tell you that no black and white Voom's HD movie is better than any color SD movie received digitally OTA?
good grief. You are comparing B&W HD, something that is very hard to make look good anyway and then broadcast by satellite against something OTA? I agree that Voom needs to improve PQ but please stop making these absurd apples and oranges comparisons.
Conjuror said:
The same thing over and over again. If Voom's PQ doesn't make me cancel Voom any time soon, you certainly will. You play "cat and mouse" game on this forum with everyone who complains about PQ, with or without reason. Unfortunately, you are the one who keeps every PQ topic going on 8 or more pages like this one, not us. In fact, this is my second post on this topic, initiated because I couldn't read your crap anymore and stay neutral.

How many times I have to tell you that no black and white Voom's HD movie is better than any color SD movie received digitally OTA?
And don't put Wilt in the same level with yourself, please. Wilt is truly helping people while you keep confronting them. If my TV is broken or I am blind and stupid, together with a couple of my friends, you can't say the same for most other people, can you?

I'm happy if you got free Voom for a year or so but let us say what we think abut Voom here.


if you have something against me for confronting your absurd logic in this forum that's fine. I will always challenge your flaw logic or anybody here or in any forum. Gee... Do you work for the competition because if I were so disastified I would have left already? It seems like you stroll on this topic and jump on any bandwagon to make outrageous remarks. Do you want me to pull off all your threads which it seem out of whack.

Again here is your flaw statements. I do not get a cent for being a moderator here. I do not get VOOM at all for free. I pay for programming and the boxes rental fee just as you do. So your statement that I get free VOOM is quite outrageous to say the least. I never had any free months except for the free months that early adopters were given when we paid $800 upfront for the equipment and the right to get VOOM. I converted to lease program like everyone else and I am now paying like everyone else without getting a cent or free programming from Voom.

I will never compare myself to Wilt in any way. He makes Millions as a Voom VP engineer. I make pennies (compare to him) in my profession. He has far more knowledge than you or me and yes he has helped a great deal to everyone here or other place getting our problems resolved. I disagree with you that I only come here to comfront people and engage in useless arguments. You are wrong my friend. I don't have to boast about how many people I have helped or try to help. Just read the threads and documentation in this forum and I have the people on this forum as testimony. Again, yuo pay $0 for VoOM. If VOOM is not for you, please stop your whinning and be done with it. I am getting tired of reading your useless comments that lead nowhere. Give us some useful information but not the garbage that you try to put out here to take VOOM down. That's not fair plain and simple.
Conjuror must be smoking dope! What other explain could there possibly be for such twisted logic? Perhaps Conjuror would like to once again like to explain how OTA and 8-VSB works...very funny stuff! :confused:
Time to move on...


Sean, you fed up with this thread? KILL IT, AND MOVE ON.
You have every right to.

I don't know how anyone can assault Sean after all he has done to help others in this forum. I joined this forum because of Sean and Scott and others like them that do everything they can to help people. That's what this forum is about. Not trashing the service and each other just for the hell of it.

In the words of George Carlin, "If you don't like the weather.....MOVE!" :)

you are right! I did not want to close it and have the last word on it but this thread is going nowhere and it is not worth spending time reading it. Thread closed.
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