gutter said:DarrllP....have you had a chance to compare D* and E* HD? Actually this morning V* was beginning to look like its old self. Perhaphs they just gave up and went back to the old encoders. Who knows?
DarrellP said:There are many people here who watch Voom through rose colored glasses and would not know great PQ if it bit them in the ass. I am sorry to see Voom go, I think eventually they would have figured out the new encoders or switched to MPEG-4 to give us a better picture.
Esophagus_Constrictor said:Your campaign on PQ did much more harm than good - backfired on you really.
gutter said:I don't think that is a fair comment at all. He didn't knock the service itself like others did but he did and should hold their feet to the fire to ask them to provide the best PQ. They did have a problem even if you didn't see it.
Esophagus_Constrictor said:I have no respect for the Darrell's of the world, I discount them as whining dolts.
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