If you read the whole article "So, if this move by Wal-Mart is true , and it appears to be (but we won’t know for sure for a few months yet), the format war is likely over and Wal-Mart has declared the winner" that a big if we dont know for sure that wal mart is going soley with hd dvd this sounds like the author of this article is hoping for that for blu-ray's demise. I will believe it when I see it.
I believe when its all said and done its either going to be blu-ray as the hd format or hard drive storage is going to get so cheap in the next few years where customers will have terabytes of storage in their home and have media severs, they will be able to either download hd content over the net directly to thier media sever or for people with slow connections there will be a device maybe a disk or flash device of some sort where you can order what you want online get it in the mail and add the content to you server that way.
This may be wishful thinking on your part.
And I dispute that Sony makes good electronics. Some of what I bought from them is junk.
you apparently actually read the article before commenting. That may be violation of the etiquette for this forum.
No bigger supporter of HD DVD than me, but I have to admit a writer who boldly entitles his article "Wal-Mart names HD DVD the Winner" and then ends his article with "If this rumor is true . ." does not inspire a lot of confidence.
But, there's a lot of dis-information out there for both sides. I
My guess is that Wal-Mart will offer a dual HD DVD and Blu-Ray player. Both use the same blue laser? The difference between the two is the software from I have read.
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