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Was anything 'good' said in the conference call today? | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

Was anything 'good' said in the conference call today?

Please reply by conversation.
Bschneider said:
I'll give you the second and third.. however, Seattle being on the west coast has nothing to do with it.. IF Seattle had an O&O, it would have been the list also.

I assure you if Seattle had both an O&O Fox station and had more HD customers than Tampa they still wouldn't be on this list because of reason number one as I posted above.

D* still thinks they can get spaceway 2 up and running before November first so they are just going to wait and add much more than the top 12 markets along with as many HD national channels as they see fit. If Spaceway 2 doesn't go up or heaven forbid it doesn't work once up they will only offer the top 12 markets plus additional markets in order via regular spotbeam usage but this would mean no new national HD channels until they can get that second satellite up or get the one that went bad working somehow.

They also have this setup so that if spaceway 2 goes bad they can still use the one big spotbeam method for the Eastern USA which would allow them to offer another 30 or so HD LIL markets that are on the Eastern USA regardless of DMA rankings that might put a western USA city above them. You must remember that its best for D* if spaceway 2 goes bad to offer HD LIL channels to 45 markets just on the Eastern USA compared to offering less than 30 markets if they go by DMA which would include westcoast USA cities.

Again HD LIL channels will bring them money and you must look at this from their point of view. Do you think D* will care that western USA cities won't get HD LIL channels if they can get double the amount of cities on the Eastern USA. Its all about money and throwing away 30 markets just so a few western USA cities won't bitch isn't going to happen no matter what those DMA maps read period. D* follows the DMAs but they mainly focus on how many customers they have for HD in any given market and the growth of that market.
LonghornXP said:
I assure you if Seattle had both an O&O Fox station and had more HD customers than Tampa they still wouldn't be on this list because of reason number one as I posted above.

There is no way you can assure me of what you state and there is no real way for me to do the same thing.. So we will just have to agree to disagree at this time.
Bschneider said:
There is no way you can assure me of what you state and there is no real way for me to do the same thing.. So we will just have to agree to disagree at this time.

I guess that is how it must be. Just remember that these satellites will not be used in the same ways that all current satellites have been used to date. With that said you must keep an open mind with these issues.
rkr0923 said:
I conclude...........LongHorn blows alot of smoke

rkr0923 I respect your opinion and I also didn't quite support that your post was deleted because your post IMO wasn't a personal attack but a personal opinion.

Now it will seem that many people that have contacts will seem to be blowing smoke because D* has been changing plans many times because of various issues. All of us as contacts have been proven wrong on several things these last few months. Just remember I took quite a bit of crap from people at the very end of last year when I flatout said that no new national HD channels would be offered until closer to years end (2005 years end). Even with Dan Collins, KenH and even Scott kept hearing that ESPN 2 HD, TNT HD and others were coming I said otherwise. Next thing we see is that KenH and the like kept hearing Feburary than March and so on and so forth. Just keep in mind that what incentive did I have to flatout say pretty much that KenH and others were wrong when they had much more respect than I have ever had.

It seems that those new channels like ESPN 2 HD and TNT HD might just very well be coming by years send which will be a good 10 months after I said when they would be coming.

I also flatout said that multiroom viewing would be coming to D* on DVR boxes but I also did say that they might or not be with Tivo boxes. I even went as far to say that they would be connected via existing coax cables in the house months before they even hinted about the Home Media Center stuff. Now I'll admit that some things have seemed like I was blowing smoke because I was wrong on my information. I would just rather you understand that even people with contacts will be wrong.

Also please don't take this the wrong way but why don't you tell KenH and those guys that they are blowing smoke. I'm just saying this because you need to have an open mind when it comes to people with contacts.

Now to finish off I won't deny that I've blown smoke but it wasn't because I didn't have contacts nor because I wasn't telling the truth. My blowing smoke was because the information I was being told was flatout wrong or it changed and I never had a chance to be updated on this. Again I have no idea what is going on unless one of my contacts tells me and I can't sit here and say I'll never be wrong because I'll be the first to say I've been wrong and I assure you I will be wrong many more times in the years to come. That is the chance we take passing on inside information and oh yes we get all kinds of crap when we end up being wrong. I'm just lucky so far that I haven't gotten as much crap as I thought I would.

If you have any specific questions or concerns I have no problems at all answering them via PM.
LonghornXP said:
I guess that is how it must be. Just remember that these satellites will not be used in the same ways that all current satellites have been used to date. With that said you must keep an open mind with these issues.

I think I have extremely realiable and proven sources at D* that I know how to keep an open mind but not when I know when people are blowing smoke. :D
Bschneider said:
I think I have extremely realiable and proven sources at D* that I know how to keep an open mind but not when I know when people are blowing smoke. :D

I think I remember you. You called me out about a few posts on AVSForum on tampahdtv forums. If you are the same person as this I'll answer your questions that I must have missed. I've done a search on tampahdtv because I thought I read something along these lines but I must have forget to reply to it. I thought I did but I guess not.

I've found the thread we will be talking about.

The two threads on AVS are posted in this thread.

The simple answer to those questions of why I couldn't answer question was because my brother didn't work for D* until around summertime of 2004. Once my brother switched jobs and I was a D* customer as you might guess I wanted to know more about the future of D*. Once my brother started work at D* you would be amazed at how quick I was able to scoop up a couple contacts.

Why do you think I always asked other reliable people questions regarding D* while now all the sudden I'm not asking but actually telling. I bet you had questions to ask about the service before you got contacts unless you had them from the start.

Now I don't have contacts with people that have that nice engineering card but the contacts I do have are more on the business and marketing side of things. That may include new channels along with marketing changes which also might include pricing changes and/or new box offerings. It just depends sometimes.

Just because my brother is an exec doesn't mean he has an engineering card nor will he bother to ask if a specific channel is in an engineering mode.
LonghornXP said: brother didn't work for D* until around summertime of 2004....

Are you sure about that? I think I remember reading in 03 that you stated that your brother was working at D* at that time and he was there for 'years'.
Bschneider said:
Are you sure about that? I think I remember reading in 03 that you stated that your brother was working at D* at that time and he was there for 'years'.

Well if I did say that and I'm not sure that I did than again I have another simple answer. Before summertime of 04 he worked for Hughes Network until he was switched over to D*. At the time I said that I wasn't as aware about Hughes and D* being seperate so to speak. Either way he worked with D* but not for D*. Again I'm not going to sit here and say I knew about all this stuff before and I'll also admit that I thought he worked for D* all along because he was pretty much working in the same building. It wasn't under later on that I realized exactly who he was working for and what he had access to.

You have most indeed been in this business and have had contacts for many years and I've never contested that but you must remember I've never worked in this type of field nor have I ever kept up on the business side of D* or Hughes so all I've ever heard was him saying he works in the D* building with D*. I never once thought to ask him if he works for D* or their parent company Hughes Networks. Over a period of time I figured it out when he called me one day to give me his new phone number and information and said to call this D* number instead of the old one. Just remember we all wisen up as we learn more and new things. I've told you my situation in the past so if your going to question me please do so on current events because keep bringing up the past only proves exactly what I just said and that is that I didn't know anything about what my brother was doing until at least summertime of 04. Again once I found out he worked with D* I figured it was easier to say he worked for D* than try and explain all of this because even though it was a white lie it is partly true.

Again question current events that occured in 2005 not in the past. I've explained my situation well enough and I could care less if you believe me or not. Either way you have an answer to your questions and its up to you to decide what you will do with it. From this point on I will not waste my time answering questions regarding the past but I will indeed answer questions or concerns regarding the present which will be any event or issue during 2005.
Ok.. Fine.. Current Events.. 2005

Where in the hell are you coming up with this crap about Spaceway 1 having a problem and MacDill Air Force Base tracking it for D*.. and that someone lost his/ her job over it?

First of all. MacDill Air Force Base does not track satellites.. MacDill has never and will never track satellites.. I know alot of military and civialians that are stationed at that Base. That base is is CentCom for the Middle East.. ie IRAQ.. Second.. everybody that I talked to at D* and at Boeing states no one lost their job over Spaceway 1. Why? Because there was nothing wrong with it..

If your going to make up a story like that.. which I know you did.. you need to make it more believable.. such as Cheyenne Mountain Complex is tracking the satellite for D*.

So you wanted current events.. go ahead explain that one.. which I am sure your not and you'll probably just ban me and delete this post.. oh well..
Bschneider said:
Ok.. Fine.. Current Events.. 2005

Where in the hell are you coming up with this crap about Spaceway 1 having a problem and MacDill Air Force Base tracking it for D*.. and that someone lost his/ her job over it?

First of all. MacDill Air Force Base does not track satellites.. MacDill has never and will never track satellites.. I know alot of military and civialians that are stationed at that Base. That base is is CentCom for the Middle East.. ie IRAQ.. Second.. everybody that I talked to at D* and at Boeing states no one lost their job over Spaceway 1. Why? Because there was nothing wrong with it..

If your going to make up a story like that.. which I know you did.. you need to make it more believable.. such as Cheyenne Mountain Complex is tracking the satellite for D*.

So you wanted current events.. go ahead explain that one.. which I am sure your not and you'll probably just ban me and delete this post.. oh well..

Do you think thats all they do at MacDill AFB and do you also think that your general workers would even be aware of everything going on. When a satellite has lost control for no reason (before they can figure out the reason) do you really think this isn't a national security issue. At the time this occurred they thought that it was taken over by another group I don't need to name. Can you imagine having one of our own satellites being used to destroy another satellite nearby if they can just move it at will anywhere they want. Now you may well have many contacts but I don't believe you have every bit of info about everything and just because your contacts didn't hear about it or they said no it didn't happen doesn't mean they know for sure or maybe they are just not telling you the truth because they don't know it or they aren't allowed to say it.

I can't prove who you know and what you know while at the sometime you can't prove who and what I know so what is the point of all of this. We will just be going back and forth with no way to prove things and I'll be damned if I prove who I am on these boards because as you might guess that might get me in some trouble along with my contacts.

Oh and if I wanted to edit or delete your posts I would have done so by now instead of replying to all of this. Again don't go around acting like you know everything that is going on because just because you say its not true doesn't mean everyone else is wrong because your right. That doesn't mean you have to believe me or anyone else but don't go calling someone else a liar when you know nothing about them. If you can't be 100% sure that your contacts know everything about what happened I sure as hell wouldn't say anything. I've never called you a liar and I never will because I have no way of knowing. Even the people I know can be wrong and so can yours.

Also if I really bothered and went digging I can find many things that you most likely have been wrong about. I wouldn't do that because for one I know even the best people with contacts can be wrong while I also know that just because a person is wrong doesn't mean all of this persons information is bad nor does it mean that this said person doesn't have contacts.

I also don't like you making me out to be the bad guy by putting me into a situation to answer a question that you know I can't fully answer nor prove while at the sametime using your reputation as proof that I'm full of crap. That to me is the lowest a person can go. If you don't know that I can't fully answer that question than I know at least that you have no idea how the real world works. My thinking is you know how the real world works but still did this on purpose to prove your point to the world when in reality it doesn't prove anything but the fact that your reputation alone proved me wrong and not the facts which are very limited for obvious reasons.

With all that said I will say I like how your mind works and I do know why you have gone so far because your should I say very persuasive when you want to be.
What is the cost to stop D* service when you have a 1 year comitment?
just disagree

Bschneider said:
There is no way you can assure me of what you state and there is no real way for me to do the same thing.. So we will just have to agree to disagree at this time.
Great. Then we all agree.
LonghornXP said:
I guess that is how it must be. Just remember that these satellites will not be used in the same ways that all current satellites have been used to date. With that said you must keep an open mind with these issues.
It would be great if this situation was left as is.

palese said:
What is the cost to stop D* service when you have a 1 year comitment?

$12.50 for each month not compleated, up to $150. If you request to return all equipment the fee will be waived.
LonghornXP said:
..Do you think thats all they do at MacDill AFB and do you also think that your general workers would even be aware of everything going on. ...

Yeah.. you are partially right.. they do a little more but nothing about tracking satellite . let me help you with that:

But when you know the base commander at MacDill, Air Force Col. Margaret Woodward, and she doesn't know anything about MacDill tracking satellites then you got a problem.
LonghornXP said:
...Also if I really bothered and went digging I can find many things that you most likely have been wrong about. I wouldn't do that because for one I know even the best people with contacts can be wrong while I also know that just because a person is wrong doesn't mean all of this persons information is bad nor does it mean that this said person doesn't have contacts. ..

I also don't like you making me out to be the bad guy by putting me into a situation to answer a question that you know I can't fully answer nor prove while at the sametime using your reputation as proof that I'm full of crap...

With all that said I will say I like how your mind works and I do know why you have gone so far because your should I say very persuasive when you want to be.

I very much doubt that you will find anything that I said that was wrong.

I am not using my reputation as proof... how could I?

You intrigue me in that statement ,"I like how your mind works". Can you eleborate?
dbs_sub_95 said:
Great. Then we all agree.

It would be great if this situation was left as is.

Ok.. I'll leave this situation as is. Sorry to hijack this thread.
For D* to say the MPEG4 upgrade to start for the 1st 12 DMA's in July 2005 , even though we are still waiting on S2 to launch, they still don't have the MPEG4 STB's or dish's with 5/LNB's out yet..........D* has not been very truthful.
The manufacture/dist of all the hardware, trainging should be ready by....July 2005. The delay of the launch shouldn't have any effect on the STB's & dishes...........sorry, but these "lies" were just buying time........& we as customers are paying for it (well, my account is on "in-active" since June 1, 2005).
This is just me now, any "news" from D*.........forget it.....see it when it happens.........& even if they make an will be like a politician...........lies........but thats just me.
I so loved my D* service & hardware (that I bought). Their service isn't a leader............that is "hog-wash".
D* needs to do something very soon & say "We're sorry"....but from now on.......D* is not honest with us.....just my $0.02

Bschneider said:
I very much doubt that you will find anything that I said that was wrong.

I am not using my reputation as proof... how could I?

You intrigue me in that statement ,"I like how your mind works". Can you eleborate?

Enough Bschneider. Bickering back and forth will do nothing good here. If you're not happy with something LonghornXP has said, then take it to PM, don't post it here.
Please reply by conversation.

D* break.

Moving Question

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