This is the wrong forum about the locals on the 8's but I wouldn't mind seeing TWC in HD.
Since when do people care what forum the information goes in? How many HD threads are in the "Dish Network Forum" general category that are specific to HD (ie the ESPNHD PQ thread right now).This is the wrong forum about the locals on the 8's but I wouldn't mind seeing TWC in HD.
Ok I don't have the 622 or a HDTV as of yet. I have seen local OTA HDTV channels in my area and all have a sub channel the shows Weather Radar and current and forcast conditions 24 7. I would think with the 622 OTA you could watch these sub channels of your local weather and not have to wait till the TWC shows it on the 8's.
I was wondering what will happen to TWC in 2 years when they turn SD off and everyone has access to the local weather buy way of the sub channels?
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