Thanks. I am going to use pork belly next time. This was a small pork butt that I had.
Soungs like a good plan. I have hd to use mine in the garage more than I have on my deck. I set it as far outside as I can without the wind and rain being to much of a problem. I then set up my Colmen camping table close to it and set a fan on top of that to keep most of the smoke out. After the initial smolder has died down I turn the fan off.. If you can, get two butts. You'all use the same amount of fuel and time. That's what I do. What ever I have left over, I vac seal with the food saver and freeze. Here lately have smoking about 40# of butts a week end, putting it in 2# food saver bags, and selling it at work. I'll have sold enough in the next month or two to pay for the cost of the WSM and the Performer.
I'm sold on this unit. Has anybody been seeing any end of season sales on it yet?
Hey HD. If you have a Kroger, check with them. That's where I get my butts from. Very good price and good non enhanced meat. I got in a pinch for an order of two whole butts a few weeks ago. My wife was already at wally World when I got the order. I called her to pick a couple up there while I got the smoker ready. They were a Tyson brand and said on the lable about some percentage of a solution added. Can't remember exactly what it said, but in a nut shell, they were enhanced. Although the final product was ok, but man they had a lot of fat and solution reduction. They both were around 8# apiece, and I maybe got 4# of final product out of each tops, and it wasn't as good as the Kroger butts. HTH.
Mine usually take right up to the 15 hr mark at 250 lid temp to hit 190 internal. I don't baste or flip. Lookin real good so far.
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