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Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Another new member explains why he's here

Hi everyone,

Newly signed up... first post...

I joined to learn about satellite *radio*, specifically the Sirius system. This is prior to investing in Sirius satellite radio for the home.

Reason for satellite radio: to listen to classical music, through my stereo and from a smaller radio /stereo/boombox in the den.

Reason for using *satellite* radio for *classical* music... I'm in western Canada, and the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) just ended most of its classical music programming. :mad: Phooey!

In the interim, I do listen to a classical radio station out of Seattle, re-broadcast on local cable TV. (TV cable runs to the back of the stereo.) Works fine, but the station is commerical-heavy. And cable costs a lot per month if all we use it for is to listen to one classical station.

Satellite radio is about two-thirds of the price per month for cable TV. We don't watch TV, so with satellite radio we will cancel the cable TV service.

So I need to...

a) install satellite antenna and (this is my plan) connect it to the home cable TV wiring. [Home Signal Distribution Kit – Cable TV + SIRIUS. Model#: 14250-CATVSD]

b) bring the cable signal (now just a satellite radio signal) to the home stereo.

c) also bring the signal to the radio in the den.

Anyone care to tell me what else I need to know or do with this? In particular, does the Sirius-to-household-cable-wiring yield a decent signal for listening to music on the home stereo?

Total Newbee

OK, I get the hint .... say hi .. HI !!! :wave I am a complete newbee ... so new to satellite, that I don't even have it yet. But I found this site searching for more and more info on what is to become my new hobby. I ordered Direct TV 2 days ago after years of trying to convince the wife to try it. She was comfortable with cable. Then we bought our first HD-TV in November '07 ... a Sony 46W3000 ... and love it. I was disgusted even more with Time Warner cable after that ... only 13 HD channels. And then we saw Direct TV at a friend's house on the same TV ... their HD picture put TW to shame. Not to mention the 35 HD channels verses TW's 13. It gets installed next Friday, when their schedule matches ours ... and I can't wait. In fact, my Harmony 880 is already programmed for it and just waiting to dig in. We are getting the HD-DVR service, with 200+ channels, and 2 extra standard stb's in 2 bedrooms that are used on occasion, not much. One is used 30 minutes a day when walking the treadmill the TV sits in front of. I am hoping to eventually be able to incorporate a DVDR, which I could not do with Time Warner cable as their Motorola DVR is only half-assed functional ... only one output allowed active, USB, SATA, and Ethernet ports all not supported, not active.

I am a semi-gamer, love my PS3 and Wii. And I have been in the computer business, support end software and hardware, for the past 15 years. And I'm a senior citizen, with the mind of a 40 year old ... if I could only convince my body of that. I am a tech support rep for a small government niche software company. I answer support calls, update databases and software, train end users in using our programs, install their systems, both work stations and servers, solve their problems, fix their oops'es. In the past, I have been advanced tech support for Toshiba laptops, a charge tech support phone line, an ISP in New England, and for Viking Components memory and modems. Oh yes, and I live in Southern California, about 14 miles from my favorite place, Disneyland. I was a passholder for about 10 years, recently letting it expire ... but hope to pick it back up again some day.

Anything else???
Hello from New England

Joined a few weeks ago and find SatalliteGuys very informative. Retired 72 year old electronics technician keeping busy with DIY projects around the house and
trying to get better OTA reception with antennas like the $2.00 one featured in
one of the forums. Bye for now.
Hello from Hillsboro, Oregon

Just stopped by to say hello. I have been a member for about a year, since I first got my satellite system (Dish Network) back in May '07. My contract is up in Nov '08, but I may jump early to Directv. The big selling point for Directv for me is the NASCAR Hotpass, since I am a fan. Well will see you around the forums, the commercial break is over and need to get back to the race. :):)
hello, new forum member

hi everyone,
i am a dishHD dvr subscriber and we also have a second non-HD dvr receiver in another room. i joined the forums to find out about certain issues that are maybe peculiar to dish network service, such as loss of my local washington, dc NBC channel during a critical time during the recent wimbledon 2008 tennis final. also interested in the HD race between dish and DTV. i was a previous subscriber to VOOM and still have the off-air ATSC antenna and receiver, but the reception is often interrupted by the air traffic at dulles intl. airport which is 2 miles north of my house.
Hey all. Dana here. New guy on the forum. I was searching out satellite info and stumbled across this great looking place. Hopefully I can learn from the "Masters" on the site.
Hey O to ALL!

Hey O ...
Just joined a few days ago. Just now gittin'around to sayin' Hey!
I'm jus an 'Ole Tired and Retired Trucker' fightin' Social Security for my Disabilty! Hope no one out there has to go through the Fight. The Feds make it so hard because they hope you will either give up or just DIE!
But I'm an Ole Dog an I jus Hang On when I got that Pants Leg!
Me hopes everyone will have a Blessed Day!
:flag: :flag: :flag:

Hey guys. I've been a member for about a year and was an avid lurker for a while (installing a dish at the time of course!) but then I kind of drifted away. Was reminded of this place today and decided to post. I like what I see and will try to come around a bit more frequently!

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