Hello, guys! I'm a new member getting oriented
In response to the welcoming message, this is to say that I've just discovered and joined this group as a new member. I'm very favorably impressed by the user-friendliness of this Web site, which seems to be very intelligently, intricately, and carefully designed.
I live a few miles west of Boulder, Colorado and I'm currently engaged in my fifth career, that of a social activist. Earlier I worked in the headquarters of the U.S. renewable energy program in the area of ocean energy technology, specializing in ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC).
Perhaps someone can help me get oriented as to which of the various available forums I can relate in two areas of concern: One current concern, as a user of C-Band and Ku-band satellite signals, is the decreasing number of à la carte subscription options available in the marketplace. In particular, I'm wondering how to subscribe to MSNBC and CNBC without having to purchase a whole package of channels. My other current concern (now that I've acquired a 4DTV receiver) is to find a home (if there is any) for my analog receiver, a Chaparral Monterey model 90 (which lacks a videocypher unit).