Same here. I'm an RD refugee who just registered a few minutes ago. Looks like a nice forum. Don't know what happened over there all of a sudden (it was working just fine this morning).
Welcome to SatelliteGuys!
Same here. I'm an RD refugee who just registered a few minutes ago. Looks like a nice forum. Don't know what happened over there all of a sudden (it was working just fine this morning).
Here's the story, from the RBR website itself: "Said RBR-TVBR/Radio Ink EVP/GM TJ Lambert: 'This was an economic decision. Our intention was to offer Radio Discussions as an option to our advertisers but we found there was no interest and though we respect what Doug Fleming originally built, it simply does not make sense to pour cash into something with no prospect of revenue.'"
I'd post the link, but when I did, the post was rejected.
Welcome Robonoxious!
The thing that upsets me most about the closure of RD is that POOF everything was gone. I would like to see RD remain online so that the history of what was RD is preserved for future generations. To see that all gone just upsets me. If the RD owners would allow me to put that online as a frozen time capsule I would consider that an honor and it would be something I would do and host for FREE out of respect for all the posters at RD over the years and the Fleming family.
The owners apparently saw the site as a money making machine and claim to respect Doug Fleming. But apparently, they decided otherwise and gave the loyal users the ultimate "F--- you". Such an apparently stupid thing to say and such disrespect to its users by blindsiding them with this.
It sounds to me that the new owners bought it with the intention of killing it off.They don't seem to want it to continue elsewhere also or they would of been in contact with scott by now.
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