Talk about a canned show with phony setup questions: " Charlie I have an email here from someone wanting to know if we will have the scifi hd channel." Charlie answers "That has already been added." What a bunch of crap. I wanted to hear about the failed launch, the upcoming launch, the upcoming national smart card swap and I wanted to see Indianapolis on the hd locals list and see the list of future hd channels to be added. I don't even know why I always watch this canned crap?
Charlie Chats are more often than not a waste of time. This particular note was actually pertinent but the execs are asleep at the wheel. What do you want to bet the note came from one of the brethren in Alaska where even though SciFiHD has been on for some time, they cannot get it still, last I read in the ScifiHD thread.Talk about a canned show with phony setup questions: " Charlie I have an email here from someone wanting to know if we will have the scifi hd channel." Charlie answers "That has already been added."
What do you want to bet the note came from one of the brethren in Alaska where even though SciFiHD has been on for some time, they cannot get it still, last I read in the ScifiHD thread.
I for one was glad they had a question about the Atlanta Braves on Peachtree.
OK, what the heck is Peachtree? Just yesterday, I saw an old TV clip on Youtube, and it was shrunk into the corner with a bunch of text around it that said Peachtree.
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