This is not accurate. In 2009 ANALOG broadcasting will stop, and be replaced by DIGITAL broadcasting. A digital broadcast can be SD or HD. Stations may CHOOSE to broadcast only HD, but I highly doubt that will happen any time soon. Currently, my local stations broadcasting in digital mostly show HD in primetime only, other times are hit or miss, mostly miss. Most other times are SD (digital SD, which is better than analog SD usually, but it's still SD)All SD OTA will stop in 2009.
You really are uninformed Dynex® - 27" 480i Standard-Definition Digital TV - DX-R27TVPeople need to realize, stores now days only carry HD tv sets, ........
My God you are as uninformed as the 19 year old troll. Analog OTA stops in 2009. Thats it Joe. There is NO HD MANDATE.... NONE. Its sad to see so many misinformed people at this point in the digital transition.Wheather folks chose HD or not is moot. All SD OTA will stop in 2009. After that most digital service will be in HD and those folks who currently do not own a HDTV will more then likely migrate to one because there will be no SDTVs in the market place in 2010.
I doubt stations like PAX will ever go HD.This is not accurate. In 2009 ANALOG broadcasting will stop, and be replaced by DIGITAL broadcasting. A digital broadcast can be SD or HD. Stations may CHOOSE to broadcast only HD, but I highly doubt that will happen any time soon. Currently, my local stations broadcasting in digital mostly show HD in primetime only, other times are hit or miss, mostly miss. Most other times are SD (digital SD, which is better than analog SD usually, but it's still SD)
You really are uninformed Dynex® - 27" 480i Standard-Definition Digital TV - DX-R27TV
That link is from Best Buy.Only store Ive seen announce HD only is Bestbuy.
That link is from Best Buy.
Here ya go, Best Buy kicks analog TVs to the curb - Engadget
Id say its old stock(kinda like the 02-07 HDDVD player I bought in 11-07).
I can tell you this, my local best buys have ZERO analog tv's. I tried to buy that wonderful POS you linked to in my area, 3 stores 3 no go's
What is it, like 50% of households have a digital tv now?
Its time for all these "im happy with upconvert" guys to go to their holes and all these "im sitting on the sidelines" guys to put their money where there mouth is.
What is it, like 50% of households have a digital tv now?
Its time for all these "im happy with upconvert" guys to go to their holes and all these "im sitting on the sidelines" guys to put their money where there mouth is.
I love how people would rather have dvd than BD if they cant have HDDVD
I tell you this, I ended up buying both so as far as Im concerned Im vested in the formats. Now that one is clearly out in front Im gonna support it, not whine about high prices(which arent that high) and stomp my feet.
Or wait on downloads
I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion.I love how people would rather have dvd than BD if they cant have HDDVD
Still says nothing about selling only HDTV's, they will still sell SD TV's. The link I posted was only one of several they have. Here are 6. 1" to 20" : Tube - BestBuyHere ya go, Best Buy kicks analog TVs to the curb - Engadget
Id say its old stock(kinda like the 02-07 HDDVD player I bought in 11-07).
I can tell you this, my local best buys have ZERO analog tv's. I tried to buy that wonderful POS you linked to in my area, 3 stores 3 no go's
Same here, nothing better than having a good conversation.
But damn going from 600$ tv to a 200$ thats huge. I guess after all some people just care too much about money more than anything, which is totally fine, in order to be financially successful you must control your budget.
I haven't seen an SDTV at a retail store in a long time, maybe I need to look more carefully.
Now for people that have an HD-DVD, this is your time to buy more HD-DVD contents, cheaper, and definitely worth your money..
Limited time offer