And I like still a cauliflower. It and to fry and preserve.
In the autumn th still I land garlic and an onions in the earth for the winter. And a photo of mine a crop.Early vegetables.-- the Onions, salad, radish.sorrel and after work on 100 gramme for appetite.
Hello fans of a kitchen garden. Snow has descended. Today between currant bushes has planted a radish, an onions on a feather. The basic kitchen garden I will sit down later. I will take from the neighbour a horse with a plough and to plough up under beds. The horse works for us on small sites of a kitchen garden-only with a plough. To a tractor not to be developed.
Snow has descended and has got out the rests of the garlic not cleaned in the autumn have grown. Has dug out and has replaced on a new bed.
Cucumbers grow very quickly-at such mistress....