me tv and this has been out for 2 days now,checked everything there is to check. 103W and 99W perfect,no problems.Has the transponder numbers been changed or sr numbers,what could it be?

working fine here in MN
and why do you always do the "rolleyes" icon when you create a thread?
Do you not want us to help?
My Mom always told me if I kept doing that, they would get stuck that way.
if you would pay close attention to the icon you will see that it means,i am thinking, what could it be?working fine here in MN
and why do you always do the "rolleyes" icon when you create a thread?
Do you not want us to help?
if you would pay close attention to the icon you will see that it means,i am thinking, what could it be?
I have found that with my 6 footer that this and me come in lower Q on 101 than what i had on 87 so at times they will pixel a bit or go dark for awhile (MeTv more than This) Last night Me TV was breaking up a bit for me while This was steady as a rock.
BTW again Me and This is not going to exact on a 6 footer, it's the same on mine. You gotta kinda move it a little east from 101 to get it. Now saying that I have to actually go a couple of clicks west on my eight footer to get it right, but my eight footer is home brew so I don't really count that. Just manually put in the numbers and slowly pulse your dish one way or the other until you lock it....You will get it..
I locked 99W...I used the GDMX channels (3820 V 26000) or World Harvest (4000 H 26400)
I manually added MeTV's transponder (again posted in post 206) in the 101 satellite list
slowly move the dish west. Try and monkey with the skew.
If you lock the other stuff then you have to go back towards 99W
One thing I noticed on the 6 footer is if GEB (Golden Eagles) is maxed quality wise, MeTV doesnt come in. If I peak it on MeTV then ThisTV comes in too and GEB is a smidge lower qulaity (but still very stable....I'm talking from a 80 quality to a 65 or so) just did a little test here with the 6 footer and the GeosatPro
Peaked the dish on 99 and these quality showed up (40 or so is threshold)
52 My Net (4080)
88 WHT
82 Nets
56 PR Net
48 Living Faith
60 Fox Syndicated (4060)
91 GDMX (3820)
Nothing from 101 registered anything
Then tweaked the dish on MeTV and ThisTV
75 MeTV
62 ThisTV
75 Daystar (4:2:2)
63 Golden Eagles
55 Gods Learning
and the bleedover from 99 was "nice"
0 My Net (4080)
57 WHT
80 Nets
50 PR Net
40 Living Faith
0 Fox Syndicated (4060)
85 GDMX (3820)
So most of the DVB stuff stayed active even though I am peaked on "101" (well must be like 100.2 or something) Dont know about S2
Also this is in Minneapolis where 99 & 101 are pretty much even in elevation. Other places your mileage may vary
Receiver problem?? Maybe try deleting the satellite, and adding it back again.
thanks turbosat,the advice you gave hit it right on the money...that's what i am talking about,just good understandable advice without all the rocket science,have a great day.
yes and stableSo, are you saying that deleting the sat and then adding it back got ME back for you?
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