What worst then D-tv I didn't know that was possible.

I've never used anthing slower then D* DVRs.
But the HR's can record more then Fios and cable DVRs.
I guess it just depends on what is worse, Slow to respond? Or 20 Hours of HD recording?
For me ,I'll deal with slow, As long as the price is right and the HD line up is good.
Cable in my area has a great selection of HD right now, But still less then D* and way less then E*, But Cables poor DVRs and Price thats maybe even a hair more then D*, I would never leave a satellite company for cable. At least not in the near future.
I've had more bad luck with D* H-'s then HR's. HR's were always slow to respond, R-'s exactly the same.
But if they add the right HD content for me , and the price doesn't increase.
I might have to overlook the HR Flaws.
But if E* does a few more HD launches, and doesn't increase their price, I'll most likly stay put.