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Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

This weekend I was in recovery mode from travel, lack of sleep, and walking all day through thick grass fields for a week straight. That means I had plenty of time for video games.

First I played quite a bit of Sunset Overdrive on Saturday Evening and Sunday afternoon since the Lions had a bye week. From what I've seen I would guess I'm about 1/3 of the way through the story and I've done a few side missions and challenges. I really like what I've played so far and the game continues to get better as I unlock more amps and traversal moves. Things really open up once you unlock the air dash.

The game feels like a mash-up of several other games but the end result works on it's own. You've got the crazy weapons of Ratchet and Clank, the grinding and powers of inFamous, and the humor and player customization of Saints Row 3/4. They've added some new moves of their own for getting around the city too. There are some pretty cheesy moments but for the most part the game is pure fun like Saints Row. If I didn't have an Xbox One, the Sunset Overdrive bundle with the white system for $350 would be pretty tough to pass up. I don't think you will see a better deal than that for a long time unless you are really into Assassins Creed and would rather have Unity and Black Flag.

The other thing I got into this weekend was Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. I've mentioned before that me and my college buddies buy COD every year to play together since we don't get to hang out in person very often anymore. Buying this was a no brainer for us so we all pre-ordered it. This got us some DLC weapons, appearance stuff, and access to the game a day early. We all had it pre-loaded and played a few matches of Ghosts while we waited for Advanced Warfare to unlock at midnight. This was the first midnight launch I've experienced since I was in college with these same guys so it was a lot of fun. I'm not even that into COD but it was pretty exciting watching those last couple minutes tick off the countdown timer together in party chat.

I ended up playing until 2:00am before calling it a night so I could at least get a little rest before work. I found out this morning that a couple of the guys kept playing until around 5:30.
In case you haven't seen the list of November Plus games, since it's still not on the PS Blog:
I personally only ever heard of Escape Plan, and had considered buying it at one time, so I'm happy it's in there. I'm curious about Hungry Horde as well. (Note: the links will take you to related posts on PlaystationLifestyles's website.)

Looks like an okay month. Not bad, but not outstanding either. I played Luftrausers on PC. It's a tough, twin stick shooter type game and I like those from time to time. I'll probably get back into it on Vita at some point. I also have The Binding of Issac and Steamworld Dig on PC but I've never played either of them. They are both pretty highly regarded games that I want to get to. The Binding of Isaac is probably the best offering of this month.
Looks like an okay month. Not bad, but not outstanding either. I played Luftrausers on PC. It's a tough, twin stick shooter type game and I like those from time to time. I'll probably get back into it on Vita at some point. I also have The Binding of Issac and Steamworld Dig on PC but I've never played either of them. They are both pretty highly regarded games that I want to get to. The Binding of Isaac is probably the best offering of this month.
Just a FYI, The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth on PS4 is NOT the original. It's a remake done by the original developer completely rewritten from the ground up. So it's not jut a basic port. There's new levels, new power ups, and new enemies, as well as a redone, 16-bit graphics style (apparently the developer never liked the original style, which is weird because I always thought the original looked pretty cool and nicer than what they came up with.)

The product description on Steam gives some good info:,d.cGU (sorry for the ugly link but I can't get a direct link to Steam from work.)

Having Co-op is a pretty big addition. Maybe this could be something we could try on with "Share Play."

Still playing through Bayonetta 2 and have finally almost wrapped up Valiant Hearts. I was hoping to get Advanced Warfare after reading all the positive reviews but apparently Gamefly isn't shipping it out, so I'll just keep waiting. Once I get all my Amazon gift cards in I'll likely pull the trigger on the Sunset Overdrive bundle (as soon as Amazon gets them stocked at $349) and then get MCC. EDIT: Just got confirmation of AW shipping, so I have that to look forward to also.

One of my family friends has a Day One edition of Xbox One. I asked him if he was annoyed with the price drops and inclusion of free games. Unsurprisingly, he was a tad perturbed.
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Just a FYI, The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth on PS4 is NOT the original. It's a remake done by the original developer completely rewritten from the ground up. So it's not jut a basic port. There's new levels, new power ups, and new enemies, as well as a redone, 16-bit graphics style (apparently the developer never liked the original style, which is weird because I always thought the original looked pretty cool and nicer than what they came up with.)

The product description on Steam gives some good info:,d.cGU (sorry for the ugly link but I can't get a direct link to Steam from work.)

Having Co-op is a pretty big addition. Maybe this could be something we could try on with "Share Play."

Still playing through Bayonetta 2 and have finally almost wrapped up Valiant Hearts. I was hoping to get Advanced Warfare after reading all the positive reviews but apparently Gamefly isn't shipping it out, so I'll just keep waiting. Once I get all my Amazon gift cards in I'll likely pull the trigger on the Sunset Overdrive bundle (as soon as Amazon gets them stocked at $349) and then get MCC. EDIT: Just got confirmation of AW shipping, so I have that to look forward to also.

One of my family friends has a Day One edition of Xbox One. I asked him if he was annoyed with the price drops and inclusion of free games. Unsurprisingly, he was a tad perturbed.

I was a little annoyed myself when the Titanfall bundle was announced shortly after I bought my system but these things happen when you're an early adopter. Sure, we can try out the Share Play sometime. It seems a little weird to me that Binding of Issac wouldn't just have online co-op in 2014 though.

I played quite a bit of Advanced Warfare over the last two nights. I'm already up to level 38 and one of my buddies is already in the mid 40s. I think the prestige level is 50 in this game so it's a little surprising that we are already that far when the game didn't officially launch until today. This has a lot to do with us putting about 6-8 hours into multiplayer while we were still on our "day zero" double XP perk. Now that everything we do doesn't earn double XP anymore things will slow down quite a bit. I also don't intend to continue putting this many hours into it every night, especially once MCC comes out next week.

I haven't played any of the campaign yet but I fully intend to get to it at some point. I don't think I've played through one of these campaigns since MW2 but I'm actually looking forward to it this time. So far the multiplayer seems like a huge step up from the disappointing Ghosts. I don't typically buy any DLC for these games even though some of my more hardcore COD friends always buy the season pass day one. Whenever they play with me there is always a nice message across the bottom of the screen letting them know that the DLC is disabled because King3pj doesn't have it. This time I'll be keeping my eye out for discounts on it though.
I just finished Sunset Overdrive. This isn't some revolutionary experience but it is pure fun. As I mentioned before, it borrows a gameplay elements from a lot of other games. It also borrows some humor and wackiness from Saints Row. If you like open world games and you don't need them to be serious this is worth checking out. Once you unlock all the traversal moves getting around the city is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing what insomniac does next.

Now the Fall craziness is officially here. I'm still putting in time with Diablo 3. I'm playing quite a bit of Advanced Warfare multiplayer and I plan to get to the campaign at some point. The Master Chief Collection unlocks on Tuesday. I'm also hoping to get Dragon Age when I send back Sunset Overdrive. Between all those games I might be set until the end of the year and that's not even counting games like Shadow of Mordor and Far Cry 4 that are on my radar.
I finally reached the conference championship games in my Madden 15 connected franchise (three different careers). Deciding who will win it all is tougher than I thought, as I've put a lot of time into developing my created RB for the Cleveland Browns. "Jordan Goodspeed" (I seriously named him that) of course now holds every single season NFL rushing record (yardage, TDs, etc.) even though he missed the first three games. But ultimately I know I gotta go with my Chargers, as this will be the only chance they have now of winning the Super Bowl this year.

I also started my third and final playthrough of Beyond Two Souls to unlock the best possible endings, having just completed a second playthrough to focus on the worst ones. I put this game down for a while as I waited on continuing a run I had started with someone I was dating earlier this year. This game is definitely not without its flaws and the criticism that player choice doesn't make a huge impact in the end was particularly in evidence when
I had Jody do everything possible to completely turn down Ryan, telling him she didn't love him or trust him throughout. But then if you cause him to die at the end, you get the same scene as if she had been totally in love with him all along
. There are, however, some enjoyable moments throughout, and playing it multiple times has given me a chance to experience certain individual chapters differently, though ultimately the different paths have no real affect on the final outcome. The game is marvel in terms of graphics and the facial animations. It'll be interesting to see what (if anything) the announced PS4 port would add to it, though I certainly won't buy this game again to find out.

Last but not least, speaking of Insomniac, I'm two hours into the most recent Ratchet & Clank game (Into the Nexus). So far it's a very solid entry into the franchise and takes full advantage of the various improvements since the PS2 era (I played through the three games of the HD collection a year or two ago). I'll of course need to reserve final judgment until I finish the story and unlock the full arsenal of weapons.
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Because my brain hates me I woke up an hour early so I decided to fire up AC: Unity on my One. Can't say TOO much based off the 45 minutes I had to play it, but I will say it seems the theme of the game is "More is Better." More pixels, more people, more buildings, more mo-cap. It really does feel like a current gen game, as opposed to a last-gen game that was simply given visual upgrades. I guess they weren't kidding about adding more people and NPCs. Early on there was a chase scene and it really was a test to navigate around the hundreds of people standing around town. Oh yeah, apparently He-Man's Power Sword is in the game as well (you'll see that after the prologue mission.) As far as gameplay goes, so far it's AC.

I must say it is a little discouraging that there's a reviewer embargo on this game until noon today. I can't remember the last time that happened and the game in question turned out to be really great.
A lot of tweets saying it's a steaming pile, no noticable problems while you played it? I'll probably pick up a digital code on ebay, can get Unity + Black Flag for like $40-50. I traded Black Flag in for more than I paid for it a few months ago, intended to re-buy. Really enjoyed what I'd played, and the ship stuff was amazing even though I was to the point where my patience and willingness to deal with super-ships harassing me was being tested.
Ouch! Unity's current Metacritic score for X1 (based on 27 reviews) is only 74 (79 on PS4 but only 6 reviews as of this posting). No wonder there was an embargo. It'll be interesting if AC Rogue on last gen consoles fares any better. (Update: only 3 reviews in for Rogue on PS3 and 360 and the scores are mostly in the 80s.)
Well, as I said I only played it for about 45 minutes. I didn't even get into a real mission yet. The only thing I can really say so far is that the game definitely feels stagnant. The game doesn't feel much different from the same Assassins Creed games we've been playing as Altair in the original game. Like I said, even in the short amount of time I played I was taken aback by the technical marvel that was apparent with the better detail, more people, and more elaborate playing area. If nothing else I buy the argument from Ubisoft that this game simply wasn't possible on last gen hardware. Having said that, much like my first girlfriend, just because it's nice to look at doesn't mean it's fun to be with. It's still early and honestly with MCC out now, along with WWE 2K15 and the new SSB game coming later this month this is likely going to fall by the wayside for a bit. Also hopefully by the time I pick this back up it'll have many of the performance and technical issues resolved.

On a side note it is a little discouraging that Ubisoft has been responsible for the 2 biggest disappointments of the year so far (Watch_Dogs and AC:Unity.) I also get the feeling that the reason for the big review embargo was because the game had so many technical issues that they hoped to patch them before the release. From what I've heard it had a 1GB day one patch but that still hasn't fixed everything from what I've read.
My first AC game was Black Flag, I couldn't even go back and play the old ones after picking them up on a Steam Sale, needed the prettier version with more moves :p. As a result maybe I'll enjoy Unity more than some others once they get technical issues taken care of.
AC Revelations froze on me more times than any other non-Bethesda game I played on PS3, and I didn't start playing it until months after its release and multiple patches.
Well, AC:4 was a pretty big departure from the other ones. AC:Unity is more like the original ones (1-Revelations.) So if you weren't a fan of those you may not be a big fan of Unity. Honestly all this Unity hatred has made me consider trying out 4 again. I still have my code (somewhere, I hope) so I may load that up sometime after things die down.
I'll chime in as one of the people who liked AC4 after getting tired of the previous games. Black Flag was the first AC game I actually finished and I ended up putting about 40 hours into it doing lots of side quests and looking for collectibles. It's not a GOTY contender but it was the first next gen game I really got hooked on after getting my PS4.
Does Unity update you on everything that's happened thus far in AC, particularly the big picture stuff?

Not really, or at least they don't do it within the first 45 minutes. Hell the main story from what I can tell is the whole "Memory searching" system introduced back in AC1 (which was a really complicated system at the time) has been converted essentially into a gaming console that allows you to live your ancestors memories at home, and then "your" (whoever you are, as it appears that Desmond is no longer a character) console gets hacked by the good guys and tells you that your memories are being scrapped for information by the bad guys, whose name I don't even remember. I honestly stopped following the overarching story after Brotherhood. The once intriguing story introduced in 1 has steadily become more wacky and obtuse with each release, so it's not exactly vital to be on top of it. If you're really interested I'm sure there's some Youtube video(s) out there that can explain the story so far.
I was completely not expecting the whole memory thing in Black Flag, I had no idea the AC games weren't period games and instead some kind of memory archeology or something. I was in shock when next thing I know I'm walking around some futuristic office building.
IGN does these "Assassin's Creed in 5 minutes" videos, but I was looking for a little more in depth without reading 1000s of words of text on an AC wiki. I actually was very interested in Nolan "Desmond" North's story, but from what I gather from the IGN video, things take a bit of a turn in AC III, which I have no plans to play.
I got a chuckle out of this sarcastic 5-star review on Amazon for the PS4 version of Unity

5.0 out of 5 stars Become a $60 Beta Assassin!, November 12, 2014
Christian Stella "author" (Orlando, Florida) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Assassin's Creed Unity PlayStation 4 (Video Game)
AC Unity is true next-gen. In fact, it is SO next-gen that it isn't even finished yet! I like to be on the cutting edge and I appreciate that Ubisoft is making games that it is still making, even weeks after you've beaten them.

I also love the forced integration with an app as well as a website. How that works is that you sign in with your uplay account to experience so many error messages that last gen could never display on screen at one time.

The game itself (no spoilers) centers around Arno, an Assasin in search of locked chests that require a cell phone game with micro transactions to open. You level him up by "hacking" into your bank account to drain real money at 60 FPS. The rest of the game runs at a solid 12 FPS which is TWICE as cinematic as a movie... No small feat! Once you've completed "playing" a website on your computer, Arno is finally ready to fall through the ground and enter a white abyss... The core challenge of the game, these moments where you simply fall into the sky that accurately existed under 1700's Paris, are some of the most nail-biting moments in any game ever made... Will the game crash? Will you have to hard reset your console? Results are random, so it will always be a surprise!

Many people just won't "get" this evolution of Assassin's Creed and should spend their time opening up a history book instead. It is there they could read up on Paris' floating people and long battle with pop-in. Even today, many Parisians only exist after you've already walked past them. It is these small details that Ubisoft has nailed and they deserve applause with tons of random audio pops just as you'd hear in the game's cinematics.

After playing this gem, I've decided to fly to Montreal tomorrow to begin playing 2018's Assassin's Creed 9. Unity's only shortcoming was that it was a little TOO finished, so I am hoping the Ubisoft guys will let me plug my controller into a broken vending machine in their studio that simply eats dollars that I put into it without delivering.

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