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Where is the HD I subscribed to?

dish network did a bait and switch now they have your money and you have crap called their industry leading HD, NOT! Voom HD was their best channels with zero commercials and they have been adding shows a few months before Voom was dropped we added several new shows on our DVR to record. To me anyone whom checks the facts and wants HD should go to Directv as it is cheaper, more HD, and they do not give you a bunch of marketing lies.
...there are many first hand accounts by loyal Voom viewers bitching about the repeats on all channels. I verified this for myself by looking at the channel listings from time to time of all the Voom Channels.

Just as there are NUMEROUS threads and posts about all the crappy television we get on the NEW hd channels and the channels some were screaming about before that.

Most of television is repeats.

I have yet to see anyone prove by documentation that Voom was worse than any of the worthless crap we are now paying for.

# of shows
# of episodes
New shows per month
New episodes per month
# of hours of real HD programming

None of this has been documented to support anything any Voom hater says.

"I'm glad the turkey with gravy is gone! I would much rather have popcorn and toast for Thanksgiving!"

Ok Joe Sixpack.
dish network did a bait and switch now they have your money and you have crap called their industry leading HD, NOT! Voom HD was their best channels with zero commercials and they have been adding shows a few months before Voom was dropped we added several new shows on our DVR to record. To me anyone whom checks the facts and wants HD should go to Directv as it is cheaper, more HD, and they do not give you a bunch of marketing lies.

You are right.... I am extremely happy with DirecTV... it is most certainly better than Dish.... with or without the Voom.
Just as there are NUMEROUS threads and posts about all the crappy television we get on the NEW hd channels and the channels some were screaming about before that.

Most of television is repeats.

I have yet to see anyone prove by documentation that Voom was worse than any of the worthless crap we are now paying for.

# of shows
# of episodes
New shows per month
New episodes per month
# of hours of real HD programming

None of this has been documented to support anything any Voom hater says.

"I'm glad the turkey with gravy is gone! I would much rather have popcorn and toast for Thanksgiving!"

Ok Joe Sixpack.

Dish TV wants/needs to compete. Look at it from the standpoint of the average family looking into getting a HDTV and an HD satellite service. They hear the sales pitch. DirecTV has all these channels that they are familiar in HD; SciFi HD, Science Channel HD, MGM HD, History HD, Disney HD, etc.... many of which were not available on Dish Network. On the other hand you have Dish with a handful of channels the average family recognizes available in HD, and 15 channels of something they have never heard of called Voom. "What in the world is Voom? I think we better stick with DirecTV because they have channels we are familiar with."
In the early days of HD and content providers, Dish lead the way with 15 channels of the defunct Voom. It was a selling point. There wasn't much else and they had 15 channels nobody else had. But as real cable channels (the ones people across the country are familiar with) came online, it made Voom obsolete. Who needs a suite of channels most people have never heard of? When the average family saw DirecTV being the true leader in HD, they bought their HDTVs and signed on with DirecTV. Dish sat back over the last 9 or 10 months and watched their subscriber base dip and their new subscriber rate fall. What could they do? It was time to clean house. Their goal is to be more in line with what the average family wants. Even if you watch one series on USA that is HD, it is worth having. As the years go by, all the new stuff will be shot in HD and the amount of HD on these channels will rise. Voom was HD for the sake of HD. Would you rather watch a pretty boring HD picture on Voom or a quality series that wasn't shot in HD on another station? I'd rather watch the quality series. More HD is on its way. This is kind of a conversion time right now, as all the channels go HD, with or without the HD programming to have a full time schedule.
Again, I really loved Monsters HD at one time. But Monsters and the rest of the gang are now obsolete. Time to clean house and move forward. I hate Charlie and dislike Dish, but they really made the right choice, the only choice, when they dumped Voom.
Dish TV wants/needs to compete. Look at it from the standpoint of the average family looking into getting a HDTV and an HD satellite service. They hear the sales pitch. DirecTV has all these channels that they are familiar in HD; SciFi HD, Science Channel HD, MGM HD, History HD, Disney HD, etc.... many of which were not available on Dish Network. On the other hand you have Dish with a handful of channels the average family recognizes available in HD, and 15 channels of something they have never heard of called Voom. "What in the world is Voom? I think we better stick with DirecTV because they have channels we are familiar with."
In the early days of HD and content providers, Dish lead the way with 15 channels of the defunct Voom. It was a selling point. There wasn't much else and they had 15 channels nobody else had. But as real cable channels (the ones people across the country are familiar with) came online, it made Voom obsolete. Who needs a suite of channels most people have never heard of? When the average family saw DirecTV being the true leader in HD, they bought their HDTVs and signed on with DirecTV. Dish sat back over the last 9 or 10 months and watched their subscriber base dip and their new subscriber rate fall. What could they do? It was time to clean house. Their goal is to be more in line with what the average family wants. Even if you watch one series on USA that is HD, it is worth having. As the years go by, all the new stuff will be shot in HD and the amount of HD on these channels will rise. Voom was HD for the sake of HD. Would you rather watch a pretty boring HD picture on Voom or a quality series that wasn't shot in HD on another station? I'd rather watch the quality series. More HD is on its way. This is kind of a conversion time right now, as all the channels go HD, with or without the HD programming to have a full time schedule.
Again, I really loved Monsters HD at one time. But Monsters and the rest of the gang are now obsolete. Time to clean house and move forward. I hate Charlie and dislike Dish, but they really made the right choice, the only choice, when they dumped Voom.

I agree except for the part where you say they used VOOM HD as a selling point. The reason is I saw zero marketing on Voom HD channels and dish networks charged an extra premium ontop of the premium I was paying to get the HD package. That does not seem a very good way to use the VOOM HD 15 unique channels with programming not available anywhere else as a selling point. I got Voom because I had Voom HD from the beginning but if I did not I doubt that dish would have made me aware of Voom HD at all! I never really got on these boards until dish screwed us Voom lovers but from what I have read, it seems like charlie ergen of dish never wanted to make Voom a win win and just was looking for a reason to drop them from the begining.

You are right about Directv! I knew I was paying extra but was ok with Voom but now without Voom I am shocked at the over priced dish services. I have had dish for over 5 years, whenever they first picked up Voom and now looking at Directv, I can save enough on the first year to buy a premium blu ray for over $600 bucks and buy a couple of blu ray disc' each month after the first year! Where is the HD, a guy name charlie ergen stole it from you to probably pay for his palacial home and exotic cars as he laughs his way to the bank! :mad:
Dish TV wants/needs to compete.... I hate Charlie and dislike Dish, but they really made the right choice, the only choice, when they dumped Voom.

Dish did not have to remove Voom to add the National channels you say DirecTV was using to beat Dish in the subscriber battle. Those channel slots are still wide open and have not been filled with anything to help Dish in this endeavor. In fact, with the new channels AND Voom, they had a better chance of gaining subs AND keeping subs.

You have not explained how dumping Voom was the right choice. You have just made it clear that you don't like Dish. You are also a DirecTV subscriber...

Voom did cost several dollars per subscriber. Maybe the Voom channels were cut loose in order to get ready to pay Tivo their due.
Dish did not have to remove Voom to add the National channels you say DirecTV was using to beat Dish in the subscriber battle. Those channel slots are still wide open and have not been filled with anything to help Dish in this endeavor. In fact, with the new channels AND Voom, they had a better chance of gaining subs AND keeping subs.

You have not explained how dumping Voom was the right choice. You have just made it clear that you don't like Dish. You are also a DirecTV subscriber...

Voom did cost several dollars per subscriber. Maybe the Voom channels were cut loose in order to get ready to pay Tivo their due.

Easy to explain.

A channel slot does not equal bandwidth. They don't have the bandwidth for all those Voom channels, all the new national HD channels, and all the locals they want to add. That is why it makes sense (other than the fact that Voom programming went downhill and most wouldn't want it anyway if they studied the schedule of programming in recent months).
Easy to explain.

A channel slot does not equal bandwidth. They don't have the bandwidth for all those Voom channels, all the new national HD channels, and all the locals they want to add. That is why it makes sense (other than the fact that Voom programming went downhill and most wouldn't want it anyway if they studied the schedule of programming in recent months).

Both the Voom channels and the new "HD" channels were running at the same time for about two weeks with no "bandwidth" issues. There is nothing using the bandwidth now, it's just sitting. all the bandwidth to support the 15 channels is still available, unused.

I have looked at the programming and in fact linked to it in other conversations to show people who think otherwise that Voom was in fact adding new shows and new episodes every month - MORE SO than the junk channels we have now.

I doubt we will see anything new until fall at the earliest and then it will be insignificant channels, premiums that you have to pay extra for, and more locals.

Locals are the only thing making Dish a viable alternative and the only addition that would make any sense from a business standpoint. However, as I said, this has not happened and the "bandwidth" sits unused.

Continue to pretend you have something of value to say on the subject but in the end it's in opposition to the facts presented here, tainted by your DirecTV sub bias.
Easy to explain.

A channel slot does not equal bandwidth. They don't have the bandwidth for all those Voom channels, all the new national HD channels, and all the locals they want to add. That is why it makes sense (other than the fact that Voom programming went downhill and most wouldn't want it anyway if they studied the schedule of programming in recent months).

Um, Voom and the new national channels were up at the same time. So they do have the bandwidth. Since you are a Direct sub not a Dish sub you wouldn't know this. It also makes you wonder why you are posting any info on dish?
Since you are a Direct sub not a Dish sub you wouldn't know this. It also makes you wonder why you are posting any info on dish?

So you are automatically assuming I have no ties to Dish and/or don't know anybody that subscribes to it?

Dish does not just have 15 "slots" available. They have since added other HD channels and you also need to consider that they have to keep a little breathing room with the bandwidth. They cant run maxed out like they did for the few days you had both Voom and the new channels (it wasn't two weeks)

You must also consider other aspects, such as COST.

Getting rid of Voom was the right thing for them to do and I certainly have every right to post about Dish, whether you think I do or not.

For your information I am an ex-Dish subscriber and I saw first hand the DECLINE of Voom programming.

You people need to stop crying and face the music. Voom is dead. Voom is gone.
Premium HD channels are anything but insignificant. You obviously don't subscribe to any if you think they are insignificant.
The comma is a form of punctuation used in proper grammar.

Please read even what you quoted from me. I never said that premiums were insignificant.

You obvious are trying very hard not to rip anyone who thinks Voom is a worthwhile endeavor but really wish you could.

The bandwidth occupied by Voom IS STILL NOT BEING USED. This is on top of the headspace you say they need.

Wasted bandwidth that has not been used for over a month and probably won't until late into the fall when the next satellite can get up and configured.

Personally, I don't expect to see Voom come back. Dish needed cash flow for whatever and stopping payment on Voom was the easiest way to do it.

However, I for one will never stop posting in response to the lies that Voom haters continue to tell about Voom.

It's bad enough that anyone would celebrate the loss of any HD channels at all.

If Voom haters want to see the end of posts about Voom, they should stop the hate and the misinformation.
Dish does not just have 15 "slots" available. They have since added other HD channels and you also need to consider that they have to keep a little breathing room with the bandwidth.
DISH Network added one CONUS HD channel since the VOOM channels were taken down. A sought after one that DIRECTV doesn't offer, I might add. The bulk of the space that the VOOM channels once took remains available.

In the mean time, DIRECTV is conducting science experiments over by 101W with their satellite needed to advance their HD bandwidth.
However, I for one will never stop posting in response to the lies that Voom haters continue to tell about Voom.

It's bad enough that anyone would celebrate the loss of any HD channels at all.

If Voom haters want to see the end of posts about Voom, they should stop the hate and the misinformation.

Lies, what lies? What have I lied about? I used to be a Dish subscriber and a Voom fan, until November 2007 when they went downhill and started repeats of 2-3 programs looped all day. This is no lie, it is a fact.

If you are bored, search for my name and you will see me defending Voom for months (Monsters HD in particular) until November 2007 when they cooked their own goose and the programming clearly went down the drain.
Here's the link to the post where I linked all of Sean Mota's HighLights posts that show new shows and new episodes every month.

The Voom style of showing repeats caused a lot of uninformed people to skip doing a little homework to see that new shows and new episodes were in fact being broadcast. Meanwhile, near every channel we get now repeats as much if not more than Voom ever did, they just don't block all the repeats together. Not only that but what we get now is BLOATED with advertising, edits, and stretch, pan, zoom.

I will backoff my statement about lying and instead calling it "repeating misinformation" if that will make others feel better.
Here's the link to the post where I linked all of Sean Mota's HighLights posts that show new shows and new episodes every month.

The Voom style of showing repeats caused a lot of uninformed people to skip doing a little homework to see that new shows and new episodes were in fact being broadcast. Meanwhile, near every channel we get now repeats as much if not more than Voom ever did, they just don't block all the repeats together. Not only that but what we get now is BLOATED with advertising, edits, and stretch, pan, zoom.

I will backoff my statement about lying and instead calling it "repeating misinformation" if that will make others feel better.

You are right about everything. I am just an uninformed idiot who didn't bother doing my homework. You have all the answers.
You are right about everything. I am just an uninformed idiot who didn't bother doing my homework. You have all the answers.
Nope, you are not an idiot. You just have a firm commitment to your opinions.

Don't sweat it, it gets too annoying after awhile to even worry about it.

WGN HD is Available!

Dish uses funny math?!?

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