I have 110 119 and 129 now. I'm not getting any of the 129 channels yet, they showed up in the guide, and they are erroring. I will go tune the dish in and check again. Do you think I'll need to call and get a hit?
I have 110 119 and 129 now. I'm not getting any of the 129 channels yet, they showed up in the guide, and they are erroring. I will go tune the dish in and check again. Do you think I'll need to call and get a hit?
Im using a DPP33. It is a retailer showroom acct, so i should be able to just get everything available.
OK, thanks. It looks like I am going to be out of luck with 129 until they fix the legacy switch bug on the 622.
And some of the 211's and the 722--- you are not alone
Not sure what switch I have, but the receivers are a VIP211, VIP622 and VIP722. Haven't had any issues running a check switch.
What is the legacy switch bug?
I would like to know this as well. I've seen serveral references to this, but my searches for an answer have proven unsuccessful.
Welcome to the ever-growing pissed off 129 Legacy VIP Club...it's not your setup; it is a problem brought on by Dish! Dish has outright disabled the ability of any VIP receiver from recognizing 129 even tp's after a check switch test on legacy equipment. It came through a software update sometime last February. I had talked to a Top Tier Engineering Tech at Dishnetwork about this issue and he basically stopped replying to me when he told me that everyone is now using DP or DPP equipment. I said that was an exaggeration of the reality. It is also a case of false advertising as the ViP receivers claim to be retro-compatible with legacy equipment.
If I'm not mistaken, the check switch screen lists your switch type up near the top (beats running outside or wherever your switch is).
Here you go:
It has appearantly been fixed on the 211 and 222 recievers. It still persists on the 6xx and 7xx receivers.
After 3hrs talking to dish, I finally got everything resolved. They kept telling me it was a signal issue, when in fact all they had to do was update the package from 9.99 to 10.00 and I got the new channels. I am missing the 4 that should be there and the 4 they took away. Now my DVR won't work. It says the data is unavailable. Anyone else having this problem? I've tried the usual of reboot, unplug, and remove cable card, but no luck.
Sounds like you need to redo your timers. I went through and deleted all of the timers that pointed to the old channel numbers and redid them pointing at the new channels.
Has anyone contacted Dish about the missing channels yet?
I can't even access my timers. I get the 311 error message with a ref# of 0521. I called DISH about the missing channels and asked them to forward the problem to engineering. Does your 129 show as a red x in your check switch? I had to lie to dish and told them mine was green but still wasn't receiving programming just so they would shut-up about the whole "it's your installers fault" speech and try something else.
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