I've been considering upgrading from two 322 SD receivers to either one of the following: 2 of the 722 DVR receivers or 1 Hopper and 3 Joey's or 2 Hoppers and 2 Joeys. Which would be the best option?
Two 722's would be $23. $6 for dvr fee and $17 for the extra 722. You'll be getting 4 tuners instead of three for the 1H/3J, but 2H/2J will give you six tuners. 6 hd tuners compared to 2 hd/2sd is, IMO, worth the extra $8.Your question is what would be cheaper, the answer is two 722 receivers. There is no difference in monthly cost between 2 Hoppers and 2 Joeys, or Hopper and three Joeys. You will have to pay a one time charge for the second Hopper not for a Joey. How much a DIRT team member can tell you it's not the same for everyone. As long as you understand getting the two 722 receivers is a completely different system with different capabilities to what the Hopper system has.Monthly charges with two 722's is $16. The other two choices is $31.
Isn't a 722 $10?
512 and 612 are $10 a month because they're single tuner; 722(k) is $17 a month because it's dual tuner.
Close but no cigar! Both the 612 and 512 are dual-tuner receivers. They just have outputs for a single TV.
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