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Why a second antenna?


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Original poster
Jul 13, 2005
Longtime Dish subscriber. Own a 501 and 721. Have had locals for about three years now. Never paid much mind to the two locals (WB and UPN) that I can not get without a second antenna. Family members are now asking for these channels. Called customer service. Told me I needed a second antenna. I understand there is a third bird I need to point to.

Can someone explain better than customer service did as to what I really need as far as the dish on the roof to receive two channels I am already paying for? Wife does not like idea of having two antenna's on the roof. Did the first install myself so why can I not do this one? Are there any other options? What is Superdish? Time to switch to DT?
PVRdude said:
Longtime Dish subscriber. Own a 501 and 721. Have had locals for about three years now. Never paid much mind to the two locals (WB and UPN) that I can not get without a second antenna. Family members are now asking for these channels. Called customer service. Told me I needed a second antenna. I understand there is a third bird I need to point to.

Can someone explain better than customer service did as to what I really need as far as the dish on the roof to receive two channels I am already paying for? Wife does not like idea of having two antenna's on the roof. Did the first install myself so why can I not do this one? Are there any other options? What is Superdish? Time to switch to DT?

If your locals are split between two orbital locations, DISH is required to install the second dish antenna and any equipment upgrades necessary (such as a new switch) FREE OF CHARGE by order of the FCC. No reason to buy the stuff if DISH is forced to give it to you for free.

You'll have to be more specific for more help. We aren't psychic so we don't know where you live. Please provide your city and/or zip code. The second dish will point at 61.5 or 148 (depending on where the other two channels are located). You will not need (and cannot use) a SuperDISH for wing locals.
If you just want a UPN and WB and dont want the second dish, why not just get the superstation package (5 UPN/WB affiliates for $5.99) or pick one of each a-la-carte for $1.50/ea.

It's cost a tick more, but you wouldnt need the second dish.
Zip 24018. When I spoke with Dish whom I had a difficult time understanding, they told me it was a $50 charge. That just made no sense to me. So I need another antenna just to get two channels? What is wrong with that?

Sorry but the other option of paying twice just to get these and keep the second antenna off the roof? I would just tell the family members that want to go without. Not that important.
If should not cost you anything. Is it a superdish? If not then tell Dish it is a must carry for them and they have to put it up for free. If it is a superdish it will cost you 50.
I don't believe there are any local markets on Dish that are split between the 110/119 locations and a Superdish location so I assume PVRdude has a Dish 500 dish and would need a Dish 300 dish pointed at one of the wing slots 61.5 or 148. There is not a single dish that he could use. As others have posted, this should all be free from Dish including installation. Now if he wants to wait 5 - 8 months until after the E-10 satellite is launched and operational, a second dish will most likely not be needed at that time.
sounds like you are getting locals from roanoke, where i live and get mine, where upn and wb are on 61.5. its free from dish, and most of the time if you need something, select option for tech support, you're more likely to get an american. just tell them to add the must carries to you're account and setup an 'sro' workorder for them. by having them do this, you are also adding a 90 day install warranty if something goes out in the next 3 months.
PVRdude said:
Zip 24018. When I spoke with Dish whom I had a difficult time understanding, they told me it was a $50 charge. That just made no sense to me. So I need another antenna just to get two channels? What is wrong with that?

Sorry but the other option of paying twice just to get these and keep the second antenna off the roof? I would just tell the family members that want to go without. Not that important.

Roanoke locals are mostly on 110 with those two being on 61.5. That means that your ONLY option (other than getting the national feeds, previously addressed) to receive those two channels is with a second dish (usually a DISH300 although a DISH500 will also work). DISH Network is required by order of the FCC to install the second dish and anything else necessary for you to receive those two channels FREE OF CHARGE. If they charge you a penny, they are in violation of that FCC order. If a CSR tells you anything else, they are wrong and you can file a complaint with the FCC. Easiest thing: call back and talk to someone different. If you get the same crap, elevate the call to a supervisor and inform them of what I just typed.
If you live in Roanoke Va. and want WB and UPN. They are located on 61.5 while all your other local channels are on 110. You don't need a superdish but simply another 18 inch dish that can be combined with either a SW21 or DP21 switch (depending whether you have dishpro LNB or not). If you don't have the equipment already then you should be able to get it for free from dish under the "must carry" rule. If they quoted $50 then that's probably the labor fee.
if he has must carry locals, everything is free
-free dish
-free install
-free switches

free free strings attached (just an extra set of holes in the roof for the dish)
jergenf said:
If you live in Roanoke Va. and want WB and UPN. They are located on 61.5 while all your other local channels are on 110. You don't need a superdish but simply another 18 inch dish that can be combined with either a SW21 or DP21 switch (depending whether you have dishpro LNB or not). If you don't have the equipment already then you should be able to get it for free from dish under the "must carry" rule. If they quoted $50 then that's probably the labor fee.

Did you actually read the thread before posting? I posted all of that more than eight hours ago.
To answer the question "Why" it's a matter of space. there is only so much room at each satellite location for channels. Dish chose to have the main channels for a city at one location and the "minor locals" "no one" watches on what has been dubbed a "side slot". The FCC was not amused. They ordered Dish to provide FREE equipment and FREE installation with NO conditions to anyone in these markets that request the channels (or just one channel) on the side slots.

There are other channels and options available at 61.5!

Available to all customers at 61.5,

* 1 PPV Movie Channel
* 3 Sports PPV Channels
* 1 PPV Barker channel for international programming
* 1 Free preview channel of international services available at 121°.* You see complete programming of a selected channel with a crawl stating the service is available exclusively at 121°. At this time only available to certain subs of international programming.

Free to all America's Top 60, America's Top 120, America's Top 180, America's Everything Pack, and Dish Latino Max subscribers. *Others may be able to see these channels as well.

* The Pentagon Channel
* Classic Arts Showcase
* Good Samaritan Network
* Panhandle Area Educational Consortium
* Holistic Television Network

Free to qualifying subscribers with a "standard" CBS subscription (Locals package or $1.50 a la carte Distant CBS subscription)

* *CBS East HDTV (WCBS-DT New York) (Available from the 61.5° location ONLY)
* *CBS West HDTV (KCBS-DT Los Angeles) (Available from the 148° location ONLY)

"VOOM Originals Package", a $5 add-on to "HD Pack" subscribers* (available at 61.5° ONLY)

* Animania HD
* Equator HD
* Gallery HD
* Guy TV HD
* HD News
* Majestic HD
* Monsters HD
* Rave HD
* Rush HD
* Ultra HD

*HDTV requires a Dish 811, 921, 6000 receiver with 8psk adaptor. A 5000 receiver with HD adaptor is no longer capable of receiving the HDTV channels.

Foreign language programming on a subscription basis (rates vary depending on
the package) in the following languages:

* Arabic
* Aljazeera
* Al Zikr (Audio Only)
* ART America
* ART Movies
* ART Music (Audio Only)
* Nile TV
* ESC Egyptian Satellite Channel
* Future TV
* Emirates Dubai TV
* Chinese
* Asia TV (Hong Kong--not to be confused with TV Asia from India) (Cantonese)
* Central China Television (Mainland Government Run) (Mandarin)
* Phoenix TV (mainly Mandarin--some Cantonese and other dialects)
* French
* Radio France International (Audio Only)
* TV 5
* Telesud (Africa)
* Greek
* Antenna
* MEGAcosmos
* Guijarati
* Zee Guijarati

* Hebrew
* The Israeli Network
* Hindi
* B4U
* Sony Entertainment Television
* Sony Entertainment Television MAX
* TV Asia
* Zee Gold
* Zee TV
* Italian
* RAI International
* Japanese
* TV Japan (free to air for several hours a day. Free schedule varies)
* Korean
* Arirang TV
* iSkycom TV
* Pakistan
* Prime TV (Several Languages)
* Polish
* PolSat2
* TVN24
* Kino Polska

* Portuguese
* RTPiect (European)
* TV Globo (Brasilero)
* Record Internacional (Brasilero--São Paulo)
* Punjabi
* Alpha Punjab (Coming Soon)

* Russian
* RTV Plus
* HTBA (NTV America)
* CH1RU (Channel 1 Russia)
* Spanish
* Radio Maria (Available from the 61.5° location ONLY)
* Tamil (Southern India)
* Sun TV
* Telugu
* ARY Digital
* Urdu
* Geo TV

On a limited availability basis:

* Business leased channels including Busch Satellite Network.

From Dominion you can subscribe to a multi-channel Christian and Family oriented service (Sky Angel) for $11.99/mo or 119.90 a year (14.99 a month or 149.90 a year starting Sept 1, 2005). Available from the 61.5° location ONLY.** Sky Angel includes :

* 20 video channels:
* Angel 1 (also on 119° on channel 262)
* Angel 2
* KTV (Kids and Teens TV)
* TVU (Television U)
* Spirit TV
* Guardian Network
* Faith TV
* SuperChannel TBN
* 3 Angels Broadcasting
* Cornerstone TV
* The Hallmark Channel (Also on 110° with AT180 on channel 185 and DLMax on channel 896 )
* Total Living Network
* Golden Eagle Broadcasting
* The Liberty Network
* Fox News Channel (Also at 119°on AT120 on channel 205)
* Familyland (Catholic)
* Fe TV (Possibly being discontinued to make room for HGTV)
* Hallmark Movie Channel
* Worship TV
* HGTV (Coming Soon) (Also at 119° on AT60 on channel 112)
* and 16 audio only channels:
* Sonshine Radio Network (Children's Christian Radio)
* Oasis Radio Network
* God Listens Radio
* Radio U (Contemporary Christian Music)
* American Family Radio
* Today's Christian Music Radio
* Calvary Satellite Network
* KTLW (The Living Way Radio)
* Moody Broadcasting Network
* Solid Gospel Radio
* Sacred Favorites
* Voice from Jerusalem (Not Voice OF Jerusalem)
* Z-73 WDAZ-AM 730 Albuquerque
* Radio Nueva Vida
* Bott Radio Network

Additiona Local Channels available to Local into local subscribers in the following cities DMAs (NOT available to distant network subscribers):
61.5° 148°
Atlanta, GA (3) Abilene / Sweetwater, TX (6)***
Boston, MA (7) Amarillo, TX*** (7)
Buffalo, NY (2) Bismarck, ND***(2 +4 Coming Soon?)
Chicago, IL (6) Billings, MT***(4)
Cleveland, OH (2) Casper, WY***(4 +1 Coming Soon?)
Detroit, MI (1) Cheyenne, WY*** (6)
Greenville, SC (2) Dallas, TX (2)
Indianapolis, IN (2) Denver, CO (8)
Louisville, KY (2) Fresno, CA (3)
Memphis, TN (1) Grand Junction, CO*** (5)
Minneapolis, MN (1) Great Falls, MT***(3 Coming Soon)
Nashville, TN (2) Houston, TX (6)
New York, NY (8) Idaho Falls / Pocatello, ID*** (5)
Orlando, FL (5) Las Vegas, NV (1)
Paducah, KY (1) Little Rock, AR (3)
Philadelphia, PA (5) Los Angeles, CA (3)
Pittsburgh, PA (1) Lubbock, TX*** (6)
Roanoke, VA (2) Medford, OR***(6)
St. Louis, MO (2) Omaha, NE (1)
Tampa, FL (5) Rapid City, SD*** (5)
Washington, D.C. (5) Sacramento, CA (2)
* Salt Lake City, UT (2)
* San Francisco, CA (9)
* Santa Barbara, CA (1)
* Seattle, WA (3)
* Sioux Falls, SD (2)
* Spokane, WA (2)
* Tulsa, OK (3)
* Twin Falls, ID*** (5)
* Waco, TX (1)

Subscribers with locals in any of the cities' locals package listed above are entitled to a FREE dish, installation and equipment necessary without any conditions EXCEPT "***".* Call Dish Network at 1-800-333-DISH

****Cities marked with three asterisks have all the local channels at the side slot location.** This means the second free dish with no commitments deal is not in play.* Dish may have a special deal available to subscribers but it is not mandatory.

See ya
Thanks guys

Used to stay on top of this stuff. Working two jobs does not give one much free time.

Called back to tech support this time. Yippee! I could understand them. Yep you guys were right. Got it scheduled and they are providing everything for free.

When will these companies get a clue about customer service and speaking plain clear English?
I still don't understand why they don't setup web support to allow customers to enter upgrades like this and get the correct information every time.
Update - No show!

I was here and waiting. Kept the phone clear. Supposed to be the 26th between 12-5. No one showed. Called Tech Support. Had a record of the discussion over card upgrade and remote issues. Funny thing. No record of the discussion and appointment to install the second dish. All that was in the same phone call.

There was one odd bit that makes me think he was not telling the truth. He let it slip I wanted a Superdish. I never said that. The tech on the 19th said that. I inquired about the second dish for 61.5. The tech on the 19th said to go ahead and put in a Superdish. No Charge. My question for the tech today when he answered the phone was "Why did the tech not show to install my second dish for 61.5?" So where did this guy today get the idea I was looking for a Super? Must have been on his screen.

Is this normal? Today they wanted to reschedule (they of course said schedule) for mid August. I was so angry I told them I was calling DirectTV and hung up. Fed up with the whole thing. Maybe a letter to the FCC about how they drag their feet on the "must install". :mad:

dish vs direct??

942 installation question 2nd tuner

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