I think that the hope is that by beating on a dead horse, other horses will see it and alter their behavior. However, DISH has shown absolutely no interest in correcting the problems.
For example, one of the issues is that when a station changes it's call numbers for OTA, such as going from channel 4.1 to channel 6.3, DISH just leaves the station at channel 4 for satellite. So, when you see the OTA program guide, actual channel 6.3 has no guide data and channel 4.1 has the guide data for 6.3.
I've brought that exact problem to DISH's attention multiple times on the phone, in chat, and with the DIRT team here. I've been told every time that it would be forwarded to DISH Engineering and taken care of. Over a year later, it's still wrong.
I've found DISH to be a very responsive and helpful company in many ways. On the guide issues, it really seems that they just don't care and are content to have a small percentage of disgruntled customers. They appear to put minimum effort and expense into this part of their product.