If you don't know if I had written some intolerant things in my first post, then I would encourage you to go back to page two and read it again. I will agree that there are some who have posted some not so nice things, but if you will read though the whole list there are some not so nice things said about gays either.
And lets look at it this way, calling someone a "bible thumper" isn't any different than calling someone a fag or a queer. I guess the difference is "we" don't have a couple verses written in the gay handbook that we each were give when we "chose" to be on the gay team like Christians have in their handbook that they are give when they make the choice to be a christian.
Last time I looked, being a follower of Jesus Christ IS A CHOICE. As of yet, I haven't met anyone that was born a Christian. You get to choose to be one or not!