Sorry I thought Rainbow 2 was the Sat that was in development. And as a long time C Bander I have seen Sats move all over the place in the last 15 years.
rvsixer said:Correct on the FCC reg, however a 1m dish is quite a bit larger than 30".
I have the same problem as you-=-may have to cut a huge tree down and then i am not sure neighbors tree won't block it--this will be along drawn out affair..i will not cut anything yet--i still feel echostar will lease back 61.5 for awhileseandudley said:Yea, I read the 72 degree location in another message a short while ago. That is pretty close.. I am currently pointing between an opening in some trees. Not sure if pointing at 72 degees will still point through that opening or not. Oh well, if a tree is in the way, I'll find a solution. May have to move the dish somewhere else than the chemney it is on currently.
riffjim4069 said:Anyway, can someone please post the link to that handly-dandy little elevation/azimuth program. Thanks!
Vicki said:I downloaded this the other day, hope it's the one you wanted, and hope I successfully attached it!Vicki
screech said:Maybe I can change the feed on my BUD and swing it into position. No rainfade problems there.
Hey Lob, how's things in U town?
Thanks, rvsixer!rvsixer said:This program gives values for the current sat @ 61.5 deg. This link will give values for AMC6 @ 72 deg:
rtt2 said:Is putting a 30" dish ok for windload. What is the stance for homeowners insurance for such a large dish.
It gets quite windy here.
My aforementioned Primestar dish is 30". It is attached to a 4'X4' piece of plywood in one corner with two support rods for stabilization. (I didn't attach it directly to my roof, getting permission from the HOA is a PITA)Is putting a 30" dish ok for windload. What is the stance for homeowners insurance for such a large dish.
I worried about that too, but we had some pretty strong Santa Ana winds a while back and nothing moved.It gets quite windy here.
Is putting a 30" dish ok for windload.
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