That's interesting... Where can I read more about this ?I don't think so. Vista has much less tolerance to memory timings mismatch. Even when claimed being identical.
That's interesting... Where can I read more about this ?I don't think so. Vista has much less tolerance to memory timings mismatch. Even when claimed being identical.
Another thing I think you should NEVER do is an upgrade install, always do a clean install. I cringe at the thought of performing an upgrade install, have seen this crash many many computers from Windows 95-98 days to today.
I don't think so.
Vista has much less tolerance to memory timings mismatch. Even when claimed being identical.
Especially on DDR (I assume it is not SD RAM). Especially mixed capacities.
I agree to avoid upgrades. With my experience of Vista, it forces you to do a clean install, even though you select upgrade. The nice thing is that it will copy the old OS information into a folder like Windows.OLD for easy migration and backup.
My experience with Vista is ok... just don't use IIS for web hosting. I installed IIS and my system croaked. No problem for me, I just reinstalled the OS and used Apache instead.
Your right about the Windows.OLD folder in situations where you cannot upgrade, that is a great feature.
Yeah I been running Vista fine for awhile now most of the issue I have seen is folks trying to run it on machines that can not really push it. As far as drivers go before you go to load it on a 3-4 year old machine make sure to run the tester. They have a Vista Tester that will test your current machine and will tell you if your current hardware and software will run on Vista and if your hardware has drivers for Vista. Your best bet is just stay on XP until you can get on a new machine.
Interesting story for all you Apple lovers out there. PC World reports that MS Windows Vista runs faster on a Mac laptop than any other laptop period.
i have one of the fastest rigs there dual core,asus p5ne mobo,4 gigs of corsair ram,i built this baby myself to run vista.after 6 weeks i finally got that virus off my rig and put it on the shelf next to WIN ME and reinstalled xp.mac has it right with that new more microsoft kool-aid for me i,m buying a mac
Are you really?When I posted that the Mac seemed at the time to run vista better than a PC I was hoping it would not start a PC vs Mac war; I'm glad to see it did not.
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