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Witcher 3 thread

No, the Witcher's developer is NOT in acquisition talks with EA..

I never heard this rumor but I'd like to see CD Projekt stay independent. I'm not an EA hater. I think they put out some great games. Still, I doubt many publishers would let them spend the kind of time and money these guys put into one game. Just about any publisher that would buy them would put pressure on them to speed the process up so they can cash in more often.
The Witcher 3 is the most awarded game of all time according to NeoGAF, with 251 Game of the Year Awards (although none were handed out to it here.) On a side note, The Last of Us held the previous record with 249. Also, not only did it win more, but there are actually LESS awards in total, so it also got a higher percentage.

Maybe I should give the game another shot, eventually. No way I'm jumping off Mass Effect again, and then after that the 1st quarter (fiscal) wave comes rushing in, so maybe during the summer downtime before the fall/winter releases I'll resurrect the game which I didn't even want in the first place but came with my 960.
Picked up Witcher 3 about a month ago, along with season pass for the PS4. Haven't played it yet, as I decided to play Witcher 2 (was a free games with gold) on the Xbox 360 first. Have played Chapter 2 both ways, and now just need to do Chapter 3 on both sides before I fire up Witcher 3.

Only problem, is do to much of the content, can only play when the kids are not around.
I think The Witcher 3 probably would have made my list if I had been able to finish it. I was really liking what I played but I only got through about 25 hours and the game is massive. I really want to finish it at some point. It's just hard to find enough time for a game like that.
Apparently this was CdProjekts booth at E3 in 2004 displaying the first Witcher game. Oh how far they've come since..

With 10 million game sales, Witcher 3 is showing that DRM is a waste of time.

I'm all for DRM free options. I recently decided to buy more of my games from GOG if I can get them there for the same price. The reason I made that decision had almost nothing to do with DRM though. I just want to support another game store besides Steam.

I personally think the problems people claim against DRM are way overblown. I haven't been gaming on PC as long as some people but I've still had a Steam account for over 4 years now. In that time I have never had DRM prevent me from playing a game I own. Not a single time. I have read stories about the problems it used to cause but from my personal experience it looks like those days are in the past.

I think this article is a little silly. The Witcher 3 selling 10 million copies does not prove that DRM is a waste of time. All it proves is that the Witcher 3 sold 10 million copies. There is no way to know for sure whether it would have sold more or less copies if it had DRM. Also, it doesn't say anywhere in that article that The Witcher 3 sold 10 million copies on PC. That is most likely the total number of sales. I would guess that well over half of those sales came from PS4 and Xbox One where there is DRM.

Articles I have read show that many PC games, including The Witcher 2 are pirated 5 times more than they are purchased. There is no way you can convince me that this is good for the gaming industry.

People say that pirates often buy games after they pirate them but the math just doesn't add up. Even if 100% of people who buy a game pirated it first that would mean that only 1 in 5 pirates buy games after they pirate them. In reality the percentage of people who pirate a game and also purchase a copy later is probably a very small percentage of the total number of people who purchase any given game. Even if I'm generous and say that 10% of purchases come from people who had previously pirated a game we are now at about 2% of the overall group of pirates who purchase the game later.

In an ideal world DRM wouldn't be necessary because people would actually pay for games they want to play. In reality games on PC are pirated 5 times more than they are purchased.

Denuvo seems to be doing a pretty good job of keeping pirates out, at least until the main sales rush for a game is over. Rise of the Tomb Raider's Denuvo DRM was just cracked in June after releasing in November of last year. As someone who pays for my games I am totally fine with this kind of DRM. It sucks that 20% of us are subsidizing game development costs for the other 80% of people who want to play every new release on day one without giving the developers any money. Who knows? Maybe if piracy wasn't so rampant we would see less microtransactions making their way into more and more games.
To add to this, the lost sales from piracy won't hurt CD Projekt Red much because they still sold 10 million copies. They brought in tons of money to pay their staff and have a big budget for their next game.

What about the smaller indie and mid tier developers though? For them piracy could be the difference between having enough money to pay their staff and make another game or shutting down.

No matter what Jonathon Blow says I think he is pulling in enough money to make more games. There are a lot of indie developers who are moving a lot less copies than him though.
A Witcher 3 GOTY edition has been announced. Unfortunately, for some dumb reason saves from the "regular" version aren't compatible with the GOTY edition, on consoles anyway.

Well that's stupid. As big as that game is, no ones going to want to start over.

You're right and I don't really buy their excuse but I wonder how many people this will actually effect. If you already own the standard game you most likely wouldn't be buying the GOTY edition anyways. The Expansion Pass is $24.99 and comes with all the DLC content included in the GOTY edition. People who already own the game would be better off buying that instead of the GOTY edition for $50.

It would be a pain in the ass if you originally rented the game or sold your copy and now you want to buy the GOTY edition to play all the DLC. I read their reasoning but I don't believe it's the real reason because there have been lots of GOTY edition games sold on the PS4 and Xbox One and this is the first time I'm hearing about this problem. I just think the amount of people who will actually be impacted by this is relatively small.
It would be a pain in the ass if you originally rented the game or sold your copy and now you want to buy the GOTY edition to play all the DLC. I read their reasoning but I don't believe it's the real reason because there have been lots of GOTY edition games sold on the PS4 and Xbox One and this is the first time I'm hearing about this problem. I just think the amount of people who will actually be impacted by this is relatively small.
Exactly, I've replaced copies of Oblivion, Skyrim, Dragon Age, and Dragon Age Inquisition with complete editions, and had no problems transferring save files to the "ultimate editions".
The Gwent card game is now live. It's Free to Play

I think they are going to have to get this on smartphones/tablets if they want to have anything close to the success of Hearthstone. Even then they won't be able to because they aren't Blizzard.

That being said I think it's cool that they are making this. For those who haven't played The Witcher 3, Gwent is a card game within that game. You could challenge most of the NPCs in the game to play against you and you find cards and buy them from merchants within the game world to build out your deck. It easily has the most depth of any mini game within another game I have ever played. It was a no brainer to make this a standalone game since they already put so much work into it for The Witcher 3.
I think they are going to have to get this on smartphones/tablets if they want to have anything close to the success of Hearthstone. Even then they won't be able to because they aren't Blizzard.

That being said I think it's cool that they are making this. For those who haven't played The Witcher 3, Gwent is a card game within that game. You could challenge most of the NPCs in the game to play against you and you find cards and buy them from merchants within the game world to build out your deck. It easily has the most depth of any mini game within another game I have ever played. It was a no brainer to make this a standalone game since they already put so much work into it for The Witcher 3.
I doubt they're looking to compete directly with them. I don't know enough about HS vs Gwent to note how they are different, but I'm guessing Gwent will be different enough to provide a separate experience than what HS delivers.

I won't be playing either way because if I'm getting into a CDP game its going to be the Witcher 3. I'm going to try and get into that this summer.
I noticed it in the PSN store. Hadn't bothered downloading it yet though, as I imagine it'll quickly become "pay to win" as I'm guessing it'll have micro transactions to get more/good cards.

I haven't played it yet because these card games aren't one of my favorite genres. I did play quite a bit of Hearthstone and had a good time with it though. Since Hearthstone is the most popular video game in this genre I would hope that CD Projekt is going to follow their example. Hearthstone doled out gold fast enough that I could buy a new card pack basically every other time I played if I did the daily challenges without spending any real money.

What I preferred to do was use my gold to enter the arena instead of buying card packs. A card pack is 100 gold while entering the arena is 150 gold. When you enter the arena you stay there until you lose 3 games. You are guaranteed a card pack every time you enter the arena but you also get rewards for every game you win before you get your 3 losses and are kicked out. These rewards are typically more cards or crafting materials to make a card. You are basically betting on your skills and if you are able to win a few games you will end up with quite a bit more for your gold. Even if you lose the first 3 games you still get a card pack. You just lost more gold than you would have if you just bought a pack.

Hearthstone never felt pay to win to me even as someone who never spent any money on the game. Sure, other players can have significantly more cards than me by purchasing them for $3.00 per pack or entering the the arena for $2.00 per run instead of using the in game gold but I got card packs often enough that I always felt like I could compete without having to spend money.

I doubt they're looking to compete directly with them. I don't know enough about HS vs Gwent to note how they are different, but I'm guessing Gwent will be different enough to provide a separate experience than what HS delivers.

I won't be playing either way because if I'm getting into a CDP game its going to be the Witcher 3. I'm going to try and get into that this summer.

They are completely different games. Gwent is not just a rip off of Hearthstone even though it easily could have been considering that it was designed as a mini game inside a huge open world game that many players will completely ignore. While they are very different games they are both card collecting battle games. I'd say that there is going to be some pretty significant overlap in the player base for both of these games because it's a pretty niche genre.

Hearthstone was PC only at first and it was still a successful product this way but the popularity really blew up when they ported the full game to iOS and Android. I personally played Hearthstone almost exclusively on my iPad while I was watching a football or baseball game.

The GOG Galaxy client is good but I'm pretty certain it's on a fraction of the number of PCs that is on. The console versions of the game will help but this is going to be a harder sell than Hearthstone is simply because everyone who plays Diablo, Starcraft, Wold of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch isn't going to see the Gwent icon every day when they play one of those other games. Getting featured on the iOS and Android stores would put Gwent in front of millions of people who have never heard of GOG.
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