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X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

Rocket League is getting some Fast and Furious DLC next week. They also added a new game mode called Drop Shot last week that I have been having a pretty good time with.

If you had put a gun to my head and said "Tell me who Dom Toretto is or else I'll shoot you!" I would have just said "Pull the trigger and lets stop wasting time." I think I'll be passing on that DLC. Not quite as iconic as having the Delorean DMC-12.
Jim Sterling and Laura Dale on the Podquisition Podcast advised people who preordered Yooka-Laylee to consider cancelling them. They can't go into detail because there's an embargo, but apparently there may be some major performance issues.

I decided to back the game during my "Let's fund a bunch of stuff!" phase and I will be getting a copy on launch (in theory.) I suppose if nothing else it may make for an interesting video. Release date is April 11.
If you had put a gun to my head and said "Tell me who Dom Toretto is or else I'll shoot you!" I would have just said "Pull the trigger and lets stop wasting time." I think I'll be passing on that DLC. Not quite as iconic as having the Delorean DMC-12.

I'm not a big Fast and Furious fan but I have seen enough to know that Dom is the main badass of the group played by Vin Diesel. I'll probably pass on this one too but since I have purchased nearly all the cars they have put out it's hard to say for sure.

I got the game for free with my Steam Link and I have played 368 hours of it. That isn't even counting the amount of time I played on PS4 thanks to PS Plus. Between the sheer amount of time I have gotten out of these "free" copies of the game and the constant free updates they keep rolling out I have no problem showing my support and purchasing DLC.
Well, technically you never got it "free." You paid for your Steam link and they gave you a copy with it, just like you paid for PS+ and you got a copy with it. If anyone got a truly free copy of Rocket League, it was me, thanks to you. ;-)
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Remember Agents of Mayhem, the new game made by the team that made Saints Row? Well, there's another trailer for it, and this one has a release month at least.

Not quite sure what they're going for with their A-Team theme song and then use of Knight Rider at the end. It looks as though they're definitely keeping it light hearted like they did with SR.

Edit: Sorry, there's a release date of August 15. I'm sure my wife would love this as a Birthday gift..
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Remember Agents of Mayhem, the new game made by the team that made Saints Row? Well, there's another trailer for it, and this one has a release month at least.

Not quite sure what they're going for with their A-Team theme song and then use of Knight Rider at the end. It looks as though they're definitely keeping it light hearted like they did with SR.

Edit: Sorry, there's a release date of August 15. I'm sure my wife would love this as a Birthday gift..

I completely forgot about this game. From just watching the trailer this doesn't look like something I would be interested in but Volition has proven that they know how to make fun games with Saint's Row 3, 4, and Gat out of Hell. For that reason alone I'll be paying attention to this game.
I believe it's time we change the "wii" in the title of this thread to either "switch" or better yet "nintendo" as they still have 3ds' in their lineup.
You can play the first 3 levels of Dishonored 2 for free starting on the 6th and presumably lasting throughout the weekend. Your progress will transfer over if you decide to buy the game. This will be available on all platforms, and its probably safe to assume that D2 will be significantly discounted during this time as well.
Review Embargo on Yooka Laylee has been lifted. Reviews are quite mixed. Some call it a fantastic nostalgia trip, some say it's pretty good, some say its completely stuck in the past with unacceptable design/gameplay decisions. Hopefully I won't regret my decision to back the project. Then again, if a bunch of other people enjoy it I guess that'll be worth seeing my names in the credits. ;p

It's cool that your name will be in the credits. Did you also get it at a discount by backing the kickstarter instead of the $40 price they are asking for it now?
It's cool that your name will be in the credits. Did you also get it at a discount by backing the kickstarter instead of the $40 price they are asking for it now?

All backers got discounts. I don't think they had a MSRP when they launched this but I paid about $15 for a steam key while console donation cost about $25 (I say "about" because they took donations in pounds, not dollars, so there was conversion stuff.) I didn't sign up for anything extra beyond just getting the game.
It's nice to see that Bioware is posting something other than messages to "fans" to stop harassing former employees:

Interesting to see what the subject of the announcement will be..

"Our Plan to Make Our Game Less Uncomfortable to Watch and Play!"

Let's hope they don't pull a REALLY bad move and do something like announce the DLC plans. That'll go over about as well as the Mass Effect 3 ending did.

Turns out I was basically right. Bioware released a statement about upcoming patches and enhancements for the game. A lot of them seem to be aesthetics and appearance based, so hopefully people can't keep making videos about the goofy characters and such.

I'll be interested to see how this ends up looking this summer.
Turns out I was basically right. Bioware released a statement about upcoming patches and enhancements for the game. A lot of them seem to be aesthetics and appearance based, so hopefully people can't keep making videos about the goofy characters and such.

I'll be interested to see how this ends up looking this summer.

This is a big part of the reason I stopped playing Mass Effect and went back to Horizon. As soon as they talked about a patch to improve this stuff I decided it made more sense to wait for it since I have another game I also want to play right now.

I still don't regret my pre-order since I was able to get it for $35 and I doubt I'll see a better price than that before I finish Horizon and come back to this.
I passed 50 hours yesterday in H:ZD and I'm still learning new things about how to play the game. I'm probably going to end up buying the game because they deserve the money (as opposed to just holding on to the rental until I'm done) and so I'm ready when they end up releasing DLC.
Review Embargo on Yooka Laylee has been lifted. Reviews are quite mixed. Some call it a fantastic nostalgia trip, some say it's pretty good, some say its completely stuck in the past with unacceptable design/gameplay decisions. Hopefully I won't regret my decision to back the project. Then again, if a bunch of other people enjoy it I guess that'll be worth seeing my names in the credits. ;p

And once again, the internet lost its sh*t because Jim Sterling gave a review that was lower than everyone else. I just love when people disagree with a review of a game that they don't even have access to yet.

I made a video about the drama.
Attacking a reviewer of anything is obviously ridiculous behavior. Maybe I just pay more attention to games but I don't ever hear about people doing this kind of thing to movie reviewers. It's crap like this that gives our hobby a bad name.

Jim Sterling seems to attract these idiots more than most other people and there is probably a reason for that. He tends to be more sarcastic/harsh and use stronger words when giving his opinion about a game. "Yooka-Laylee is, in a word, rubish." If you look at the other snippets of negative reviews from that Reddit summary they made their points about why they didn't like the game without straight up calling it trash.

To be clear, I am not condoning these attacks in any way. They are completely out of line. If these people hate Jim Sterling it is incredibly easy not to give his reviews clicks or his videos views. Just follow the content you enjoy instead of seeking out the stuff you hate. I just think he sometimes makes himself a lightning rod for negative attention because of his choice of words.
I don't think its as much as he tries to draw attention to himself with his words of negativity as much as he's very passionate about stuff he likes and hates. Take a look at his Horizon: Zero Dawn Review and its like he has an emotional relationship with it. Also, I think its almost human nature to be more over the top about stuff you hate versus stuff you like. Whether its done consciously or not, I've noticed that numerous reviewers seem to very passionate and closer to "over the top" on the spectrum when doing negative reviews as opposed to positive ones.

Again, what I get more hung up on is people bashing his review when they have yet to play the game themselves. If it's a post launch review and people disagree with it because they've had access to the game, that's one thing. At least then the people can bring counter arguments with actual evidence. But with pre-release reviews, how the hell can anyone argue or say "No, you're wrong!"? And I don't see any people who reviewed the game leading any of these charges either. If there was this sort of backlash AFTER release, then I'd at least be more understanding.

At least they didn't DDoS his site this time (yet.)
I don't know that he gets all these people worked up intentionally but the harsh words he uses do tend to have that effect. Again, this is not an excuse for the way these idiots act. It's just why I think this keeps happening to him and it doesn't seem as common with other games media people.

I totally agree that it is ridiculous to disagree with a reviewer before you even play a game for yourself though. It's not even possible for these people to have an opinion of the game yet.
A lot of them seem to be aesthetics and appearance based, so hopefully people can't keep making videos about the goofy characters and such
Release a buggy product and expect to see youtube videos of those bugs.
Honest Trailers released a trailer for them, and it pretty much ripped the whole game including all the bugs.
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