Don't bother. Save that money to use on new games. There's really NO reason to have both systems, at least not this early in the game. There's no good exclusives. I didn't get my 360 or PS3 until there was a good library of games for each. Hell the main reason I got my PS3 was because they released an 80GB Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle.I'm really tempted to just buy one but then I think "Do I really need both consoles at launch when there are still so few games out"? The fact that I didn't have to pay for my PS4 means I have some extra fun money that could go into an Xbox One. The only current game I want to play that isn't available to me on PS4 or PC is Dead Rising 3. The rest are either multiplatform or games I'm not interested in. That is the only reason I have been able to show restraint so far.
Last gen I got 360 first and waited for a price drop to go back and play the PS3 exclusives I missed. That worked out great because by the time I got one there were lots of great exclusives waiting for me. I'm hoping I can do that with the Xbox One too but I'm more of an instant gratification kind of guy. The best case scenario for me is that Amazon is sold out again before I give in and look tomorrow morning.
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I'm very interested to see how their HDMI passthrough works with D*. Not to mention, if the media center extender bits still work. Would be a more elegant OTA solution, possibly.
....AAAAANNDDD they're sold out!What a nightmare, I could barely get in but did.
DELIVERY ESTIMATE Friday, November 22, 2013 by 8:00pm
Xbox One Console - Day One Edition Xbox One Console - Day One Edition
Sold by LLC
Friday, November 22, 2013
forgot and missed it. its showing available until you go to buy it.
Well in that case..Lol, im not that broken up over it. It would have been an impulse buy, better that they sold out.
I'm very interested to see how their HDMI passthrough works with D*. Not to mention, if the media center extender bits still work. Would be a more elegant OTA solution, possibly.
Customers are the best beta testers..I heard a pretty in depth review of the TV stuff on the Giant Bombcast this week. The person reviewing it was using a Directv DVR. The general summary is that it works really well for some things and not at all for others. First it doesn't sound like there is any way to watch DVR recordings without using your remote.
Second, the Kinect voice recognition seems to have trouble with channel names. ESPN was the main example he used but he said this is also true for HBO or other families of channels that start with the same name. He said if you say "Xbox watch ESPN 2" (or ESPNU, ESPNews, ESPN Classic) the kinect stops listening after it hears ESPN. It thinks you wanted to watch the main ESPN channel no matter which words you say after that. He also couldn't get it to recognize AMC. He said it would bring up other channels like A&E and Spike TV instead. Speaking of Spike TV and other channels with "TV" in them... He said the Xbox would just think he was saying "Watch TV" instead of the channel he said. Some other channels like TVG apparently aren't recognized by the abbreviation they use in the logo and on your guide. You have to say TV Game Network instead but when you say the TV part at the beginning it confuses the Kinect. He said he was able to get it to recognize some of these problem channels by adding them to the favorite channel list. Apparently the channels in your favorites list get higher priority from the Kinect voice sensor.
One other issue is that for some reason it strips out the Dolby Digital 5.1 track from your cable/satellite box. You can choose to have it convert the DD5.1 to PCM 5.1 or DTS 5.1 but this is still in beta and apparently it doesn't work with all cable/satellite boxes. There is currently no way to just pass the DD5.1 audio through unaltered. Depending on how well the conversion works and if there is any loss of audio quality that would be enough reason for me to skip the TV integration feature. If it successfully converted my Hopper audio to PCM 5.1 with no noticeable quality loss I would probably still use it. There is no way I'm going back to stereo for all my Dish programing though.
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