jrbdmb said:If every cable provider in Yankees territory carries the channel, and our chief DBS competitor carries the channel, then I tend to blame Dish for the lack of YES Network. And why should YES Network accept a-la-carte if every other RSN is in AT120? YES wants the same carriage on Dish as MSG and FSNY, which seems reasonable to me.
Maybe we can get YES Network on Dish if the Yankees agree to paint a big Dish Network logo on the field.![]()
Yes, but what you don't understand is that in the New York City DMA there are 2 RSN's already carried by Dish to the tune of about $3.00 PER SUBSCRIBER per RSN PAID BY DISH for each subscriber in the New York City DMA. WHY should Dish add a third that will cost another $3.00 per SUB for YES to be added to DISH.
Since Dish has a national ONE PRICE business plan this would require ALL Subs nationwide pay another dollar for the addition of a REGIONAL sports network available to only a small percentage of Dish Subscribers. I for one believe this is a slippery slope that will yield to more teams starting their own Regional channels that will result of vast increases in subscriber fees for sporting events. All this to pay the already bloated player salaries.
I think "YES" should allow Dish to sell the channel ala carte, in fact Dish offered to carry the channel ala carte and GIVE EVERY SINGLE SUBCRIBER ALA CARTE DOLLAR to YES. "YES" refused that carriage arrangement. If the Yankees believed in their own MASS appeal then they would have taken the deal.
I don't think all subscribers' dollars should have to subsidize and pay for multiple RSN's for larger markets. The only fair way to impliment this would be for Dish to designate one or allow a subscriber a ONE TIME pick of their RSN if they have multiple RSN's in their market, any extra RSN's would only be available as an ala carte selection. Unfortunately the content owners force carriage on their terms so Dish is already providing multiple RSN's in some markets and asking all SUBS for additional dollars for a third RSN in a market is unfair to all other subs and in the end fiscially stupid as it encourages other teams and markets to do the same. Dish's handling of this is in the best interests of ALL subscribers and not an intended disservice only to Yankees' fans.
If you wish to encourage RSN bloat, Players and team owner revenues increases then by all means get a service that allows you to line the pockets of Team Owners and players at the expense of the all other MSO's subscribers. I as well as others refuse that business model that is why I support Dish in this disagreement. If you want the Yankees then you should have to pay the extra freight for them that YES is asked Dish for. I suspect that "YES" understands their perceived value is not as high as the required ala carte fees that they themselves have asked for.
In the end I believe they understand without required carriage for all New York Subscribers they would not make as MUCH money, but wouldn't any extra subscriber revenue be good, apparently not at the risk of damaging their required carriage clout.