How does that analysis of Voom tell you what I am or what I am not.andrzej said:Thanks vurbano for some info about yourself. Now I know who you are not.![]()
How does that analysis of Voom tell you what I am or what I am not.andrzej said:Thanks vurbano for some info about yourself. Now I know who you are not.![]()
vurbano said:...I think the arguement is that Voom has created exclusive channels for very small groups but is missing the vast majority of the population. If you can invest in HD skateboarding, sailing, windsurfing, YAWWWWNNNNNNNN. Why not invest in making HD Bikini content? It will bring in more viewers than the artsy rich, the gay channel, extreme bicycle sports or euro soccer. ..
barth2k said:<<Sean: We all like to think what will be my ideal channel and what's my preference. That's fine but please do not trash their channels like they are completly trash. Tell me of someone else who is trying to do this. There is no original programming out there that you can go and buy on a store. Most HD programs have to be produced by the entity trying to show the HD programs. There's no HD store to go and buy Bikini Destination. Mark has to paid to shoot in HD this original programming. VOOM has to do the same. It is not cheap to do this. I appreciate every single HD program I see because I know how much it is involved. You might think differently and you have a right to think this way. This is my own opinion.>>
I know that, Sean. I defended the Moovlab people when someone was ragging on them. I know it takes people, money, and effort to produce programming, which is why it baffles me that a broadcaster like Voom would have so much content with such limitted appeal. Seems to me Ultra, Gallery, and Auction should be combined into one channel. I mean, I'm a computer/electronics nut but if Voom produced one HD channel devoted to PC, one to electronics, one to video games, I would be saying WTF? It's not a specific type of programming, it's the preponderance of it seemingly in exclusion to other types of programming with potentially wider appeal. And now it looks like Voom may add WealthTV, making their lineup even more skewed.
<<Mr Biggies: So what are you guys looking for? The Tractor channel? Mobile Home Beautiful channel? Dating your Cousin channel?>>
Well you have a smiley there, so I'm sure you were kidding, but anyway in my universe most people aren't living in either high society or the trailer park.
vurbano said:How does that analysis of Voom tell you what I am or what I am not.
As more subscribers use Voom, it will change to survive. Their first advertising company blew it. Hopefully the 2nd one will suggest some common sense.barth2k said:<<Sean: We all like to think what will be my ideal channel and what's my preference. That's fine but please do not trash their channels like they are completly trash. Tell me of someone else who is trying to do this. There is no original programming out there that you can go and buy on a store. Most HD programs have to be produced by the entity trying to show the HD programs. There's no HD store to go and buy Bikini Destination. Mark has to paid to shoot in HD this original programming. VOOM has to do the same. It is not cheap to do this. I appreciate every single HD program I see because I know how much it is involved. You might think differently and you have a right to think this way. This is my own opinion.>>
I know that, Sean. I defended the Moovlab people when someone was ragging on them. I know it takes people, money, and effort to produce programming, which is why it baffles me that a broadcaster like Voom would have so much content with such limitted appeal. Seems to me Ultra, Gallery, and Auction should be combined into one channel. I mean, I'm a computer/electronics nut but if Voom produced one HD channel devoted to PC, one to electronics, one to video games, I would be saying WTF? It's not a specific type of programming, it's the preponderance of it seemingly in exclusion to other types of programming with potentially wider appeal. And now it looks like Voom may add WealthTV, making their lineup even more skewed.
<<Mr Biggies: So what are you guys looking for? The Tractor channel? Mobile Home Beautiful channel? Dating your Cousin channel?>>
Well you have a smiley there, so I'm sure you were kidding, but anyway in my universe most people aren't living in either high society or the trailer park.
wow you are so wrong. Joe sixpack is throwin up dishes faster than wild fire in this area. Hes married to Mrs Six pack who also works and they see that 1500 dollar HD 47" RPTV at best buy. But I guess youd rather they become D* users? HOW ARROGANT TOO ASS U ME THAT JOE SIXPAVK CANNOT SEE THE DIFFERENCE. I got news for you. "if joesixpack does NOT buy HD sets then HD will die!!!!!!!!!"andrzej said:Voom members represent a very small group indeed. Joe six-pack cannot tell the difference between SD and HD and doesn't own an HD display. vurbano, why do you want to cater to a group that is not even interested in Voom and HD? I am not a Joe six-pack, and my interests are different from his. And I am not living in NYC.
you guess wrong. Im just not narrow minded and interested in seeing Voom survive.andrzej said:I am guessing that you do not belong to any of the groups that you mentioned in your criticisms of Voom, namely:
1. only city dwellers because of the obvious OTA locals by antenna
2. rich city dwellers due to gallery, auction, ultra
3. The kids of rich city dwellers with RUSH, rave etc.
4. Rich city dweller transplants from europe who want soccer 24/7
5. rich city dwelling gays - DIvineHD
vurbano said:.. HOW ARROGANT TOO ASS U ME THAT JOE SIXPAVK CANNOT SEE THE DIFFERENCE. I got news for you. "if joesixpack does NOT buy HD sets then HD will die!!!!!!!!!"
vurbano said:...
BTW Andrzej
I live in the City, in the Norfolk, Newport News, Hampton, Virginia Beach area. In fact it is one of the largest technological, militarily strategic areas in the world. Langley Air Force Base, NASA/Norfolk Naval facility/ Newport News Shipbuilding facilities. The home of the our atlantic tactical air defense system, carrier and nuclear sub building, tacticle air command , CEBAF (continuous electron beam acceleration facility) etc. We have museums and Civil war sites and even indoor plumbing. Imagine that. On occasion the President even pays us a visit and stays over at the Williamsburg Inn.
A man in need of some female companionship is what I gather from your post-LMAOvurbano said:How does that analysis of Voom tell you what I am or what I am not.
I agree, thankgoodness a man of intellect has joined the discussion today. IMO Vooms numbers have soared this past month due to the inclusion of what average male network?cyuhnke said:You go to sleep and wake up to a maelstrom. My position:
1. I wasn't insulting NYC. I know that most folks there are regular people who just happen to talk funny
2. Art, fashion, and museum faire may be open to the masses, but their patrons are predominantly rich and urban.
3. Like Vurbano, my problem is with Voom exclusives. The only obvious male channel is Rush, but that's more for teenagers than 40 year olds. Voom doesn't have anything like Bikini destinations (PB isn't the same thing), programming clearly aimed at males 18-45.
4. With it's lineup as of 6/1, Voom exclusives will be very solid in programming for homosexuals, metrosexuals, rich ladies who like fashion and art, guys marrieds to those ladies, young women interested in gay and esoteric lifestyles. Yes, many outside of these groups like the Voom exclusives. But the groups listed will be very taken care of.
5. Joe Sixpack isn't an idiot. The majority of people in this country know what an HDTV is. But Joe doesn't care about fashion, art, museum exhibits, and alternative lifestyles. He likes cold beer and Jerry Bruckheimer movies and tv shows. He likes to see a little skin, but no nudity in the daytime at least. He doesn't like soccer unless he's watching his kid's game. He also doesn't like seeing washed up musicians and hip-hoppers performing. He may like music, but he doesn't care for concerts. The only thing the Voom exclusives offer him are the movie channels. But the current selection is so bad, he'll never watch them.
I don't really see how you guys can argue that Voom hasn't ignored the average guy. Some of you bigots might need me to put this in your language, so here goes:
What programming is provided by the Voom exclusives for stupid inbred hillbillies to watch between NASCAR races and front yard car repair?
Voom may think this demographic is already well served, and aim Voom originals towards what it perceives as under served demographics. My problem with this is that all demographics are under served when it comes to HD programming.
Divine???????-LMAOvurbano said:I agree, thankgoodness a man of intellect has joined the discussion today. IMO Vooms numbers have soared this past month due to the inclusion of what average male network?
one guess please?
Not the one fixated on "Tanya's breasts" and "Bikini Destinations".(Oh, is that what they mean by a mid-life crisis?)-LMAOvurbano said:eschu get off your dads computer..lmao
Dum de dum de dum....dum de dum dum de dum-LOLcyuhnke said:Every time you guys argue the tune from The Odd Couple plays in my mind.Good jokes :clap
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