Batman v Superman: Jesse Eisenberg Actually Playing Lex Luthor Jr
Here's a turn up for the books. Jesse Eisenberg won't be portraying the Lex Luthor we all know and love in next year's 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'.In fact, Eisenberg will playing Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr, son of Lex Luthor Snr, who has taken over his father's company and turned it into a tech giant.The unexpected news comes from a fictionalised profile of the character on Fortune, which says that Lex Luthor Snr was "indomitable", "vicious" and more than a little curious about "strange meteorite crystals"."Dad named the company after himself ten years before I made my unexpected entrance into his life. But investors seemed to respond to the idea of an adoring father building a legacy for his precious son. He used that to his advantage. It was a good shtick and, whatever else he was, he was a good businessman," says Eisenberg's character.Lex Snr passed away "unexpectedly" in 2000, leaving his son to take the reins. "The achievements of LexCorp's founder pale in comparison to the astonishing accomplishments of the younger Luthor, who was the youngest ever to be named Fortune's Businessperson of the Year and included on the magazine's list of the World's 50 Greatest Leaders," reads the article.It could be that Eisenberg's Luthor is the real incarnation of the character, but it also undoubtedly opens up the possibility of Lex Snr being the real deal and showing up further down the line as Warner Bros DC Comics Cinematic Universe continues to evolve and expand.