Has Dish released a list of which receivers will be supported on Western Arc after May 2015? It would be interesting to know if they are really going all MPEG4 or just 8PSK.
IF they got a year commitment or two years commitment, they would make their money back by keeping the customers subscribed for that length of time . If they broke their contract they would pay a big sum like they already do. I don't see how the penny wise /pound foolish mind set helps DISH in the long run.
Yes, I do. Sorry about that, you guys.yes i do sorry about that you guys
When I switched to Dish two years ago I got a 722 for the house and they upgraded a 501, that I owned, to a 512 for the shop and RV. Will the 512 need to be changed out in May of next year???
No, the 512 is fine.
Replacing millions of receivers and the cost to replace them adds up to a lot of money, which Dish is NOT eager to spend.
I'd like to think Dish has some really sharp bean counters doing the cost-benefit analysis.How much extra revenue would all those extras add up to. The difference in subs would be a small margin overall. If Dish had projections the return would be there, it would have happened already. They don't see a return on the investment. They could be wrong, but it's obvious that's how they see it, and they have the real numbers to work with.
I've wondered the same on that point, just assume they have warehouses of returned 8PSK SD equipment.I just have a hard time believing that it was NOT cost effective to make the full switch to MPEG-4 equipment when upgrading QPSK boxes to 8PSK.
That's a benefit of copy&paste....bluegras has a computer with capital letters and punctuation marks on it?
Charles Ergen is worth $16 billion today. I am pretty sure that he and his expensive team of accountants have looked at all of the costs and are doing what is least expensive overall.
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