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  1. F

    NCAA Bans Indian Mascots From Postseason

    projectorsrule pardon the language, but what your saying is that i shouldn't be offended if you were to call me a nigger? NOT SAYING THAT YOU WOULD! What i'm saying is that is that your point dictates to ME that i SHOULDN'T be offended, and that's ludicrous.
  2. F

    NCAA Bans Indian Mascots From Postseason

    I don't hava a problem with actual names of Native American Tribes like the Seminoles. What I do have a problem with is names like the "Redskins" . Also, all of you folks who are are complaining about political correctness are typical of the way most people think, wrongly I might add. It...
  3. F

    Competition Heating Up!

    of note... extra rooms are $4.00 each. The other tv is in the BR, which we mostly use for morning news and such, so I'll just split off, and run the cable straight into the TV. Also, I'm not unhappy at all with Dish Network, but that deal is just too good to turn down. I currently have...
  4. F

    Competition Heating Up!

    As a dish subscriber Comcast is offering me: 29.99 digital cable with HBO and Showtime 29.99 High Speed internet... FOR A YEAR for both. HD is 9.95 for channels and box. Pretty good deal, I say.
  5. F

    811 and OTA Signal Lock Problems

    Mkae sure you have 2150 mhrz diplexor. The diplexor i had from voom was 2050. I had to go to Radio Shack to find one that was 2150.
  6. F

    What about us Charter Members!

    forget a lawsuit You have no case. When companies go out of business, it's just tough luck. It may not be best for the consumer, but we live in a market economy and the market dictated that voom, as a satellite provider, just didn't cut it. Cablevision lost hundreds of millions of dollars...
  7. F

    Schematic for use of DP34 Switch?

    Does anyone have a schematic for hooking up the DP34? I'm thinking of adding the second 61.5 dish myself. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. I presently have an 811 box, and a 311.
  8. F

    It's Official - VOOM ON DISH NETWORK!

    I told You so! The folks at Dish are smart. They just became the NUMBER ONE provider of HD content. That's pretty impressive, you DISH haters have to admit. I'm sorry you Voomers are left holding your boxes, but I'm glad that this has worked for you guys and gals that stuck with Voom to...
  9. F

    Help - Program guide

    Is is just me, or does the program guide have to manually download every couple of days? Is there some setting that i'm missing to allow it to update itself? It's really annoying to go to view the guide and have to wait a minute for it to download. That's my biggest pet peeve with Dish Network...
  10. F

    BTW, people going to E*

    Also, the 811 also allows you to recieve your analog OTA feeds as well. This comes in handy if you don't want the second dish and you can get good reception. There is a PBS station in my area that does not yet broadcast digitally, and would be on the second satellite (which I didn't want). Since...
  11. F

    [VOOM] EchoStar eyes Voom programming

    Does anyone have anymore details about this?
  12. F

    I Got Out 7-Months Ago

    Smart Move! Bill: Smart move getting out when you did. JMD: Is that a picture of Bush? An American Patriot? Why was he too SCARED to go to Vietnam? He's what you call a Chicken Hawk. (just my opinion)
  13. F

    What Will Happen Now

    Hey, he got the satellite dirt cheap. $200 million for an up and running satellite is a STEAL!
  14. F

    Need Advice...

    Why Pay It?! They just cut you off at the knees!
  15. F

    What Will Happen Now

    I already have another provider, E*. No one thought Charlie was going to buy the satellite at first either. But he could get content for a song. CVC would be willing to part with it for a good price since they need to recoup some of the hundreds of millions that have gone out the door. I've...
  16. F

    What Will Happen Now

    What's important now is what happens to the programing. Echostar may now push to take over the Voom channels. This may happen now because now Ergen may be able to get them at a cheaper price since it has already been decided that Voom, as a satellite provider, will be no more. If this...
  17. F

    Voomers vs Non-Voomers "Have at it"

    Liberals? Sorry, pal. Liberals are here to stay. Voom may be around now, but it ain't gonna last. Ergen ain't givin' back that satellite. So enjoy sorry a** Voom while you can.
  18. F

    Would I be an idiot to signup?

    Pilman, DOn't be fooled by the "It's only a dollar." I had voom, but got rid of it. The HD "exclusive" channels just weren't worth the money. They also only have 1 or 2 regional sports networks, which was why I ended up dropping it. But that's not to same that voom stinks, you may like it...
  19. F

    Other Opinions...

    Dragon, yes, they really think that losing hundreds of millions of dollars is long as it's in HD!
  20. F

    Other Opinions...

    I don't have hate for Voom, but most of you folks aren't realistic. Voom has been around for almost a year and a half, and you can't claim 50,000 subs? Sorry, But C. Dolan doesn't seem like such a genius to me. He's 2 years too soon. And BTW, in two years, e* and d* will have equal the...
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    Other Opinions...

    more friends of Vurbano Sorry for this rant: Most of you voomers are pathetic. Once the sale of your satellite is complete, your finished. Ergan isn't gonne give it back, he needs it. THE ONLY WAY VOOM WILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE IS THROUGH THE GOOD GRACES OF ECHOSTAR (as a channel...
  22. F

    Is it possible that all of t his publicity will boost sales?

    Yes, bad publicity is still publicity. But, if your a consumer and your thinking of getting Voom, I can't see how the publicity of the past month would influence a consumer in a positive way toward Voom as a product.
  23. F

    Cablevision Enters into Interim Agreement Regarding VOOM

    Voom doesn't have a satellite! It has been sold to E*! It isn't in E*'s interest to lease the satellite to the new Voom. They need it. It would cost too much money to go out to 46,000 subs to reposition their dish to something else. That's not even counting the fact that Voom (as a...
  24. F

    Cablevision Enters into Interim Agreement Regarding VOOM

    No news here Your fate lies in the hands of E*. Voom still doesn't have a satellite to broadcast from after the sale of the satellite and uplink facility are complete. That sale will proceed. Cablevision is not about to get into costly litigation with E*. E* bought that satellite for its...
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