JV set a records with 30 consecutive scoreless innings pitched against the A's.
Consecutive Scoreless Innings Pitched vs a Team in Postseason History
1. Justin Verlander (30) 2012-2013 vs Athletics
2. Christy Mathewson (28) 1905-1911 vs Athletics
3. Lew Burdette (24) 1957 vs Yankees
4. Steve Avery (22 1/3) 1991-1992 vs Pirates
5. George Earnshaw (22) 1930 vs Cardinals
Consecutive Scoreless Innings Pitched vs a Team in Postseason History
1. Justin Verlander (30) 2012-2013 vs Athletics
2. Christy Mathewson (28) 1905-1911 vs Athletics
3. Lew Burdette (24) 1957 vs Yankees
4. Steve Avery (22 1/3) 1991-1992 vs Pirates
5. George Earnshaw (22) 1930 vs Cardinals