Where is channels from new tp13@118.75W ?
5194 -> 5193 - same channel ( all info), just a number changed.
Since it happen in one flip, I point to it as an event of changing a NUMBER, while all other parameters of the channel still intact.
You ignored my first question: where are new channels off [same time added] tpn13@118.75W ? Or the dirty dozen figure is taboo for your reports ?
It's become old talk - splitting one change to two: instead of report the change of a number, you're stick with sloppy algo showing fictitious deletion and fictitious add of the channel.
Those TID_713 changes - did you add them lately ? Or I've been blind recently ?
"unreadable report" - yeah, tell me that ...
Don't forget to add new tp13@118.75W into your report.
Possibly friday, per scottOK. So where/what are the new channels?
Naw that is it the rumor is just that rumor will have to wait for the other it will be soon real soon like two years
Ummm, What?
That may not be exactly grammatically correct, but at least it is readable.
When does NASCAR coverage end on SPEED? (cus that when it will be availble at a bargain basement price)
I have it on good notice that that feature of the reports is being worked on. Channel number changes are not.
Juan, how much cost for Dish HD packages in Moscow ? I can't believe Dish is selling program outside of of US !
I'm still doubt if his location is real.
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