My install went very well. The guy was wearing a Direc tshirt and said he was a loyal DTV installer. He started bad mouthing Voom but when he left everything was working. Then a week and a half later it was very windy one night and I lost all signal. The dish was pointing almost into the ground. I went up the ladder on Friday and realigned in 5 minutes. I was shocked when I went to tighten down the bolts--they were ALL loose. And not just loose they were threaded on about 2 turns each. One was on enough to hold the dish barely in place. Even the ones holding the OTA were barely on the screws. So I'm saying to myself what are the chances this guy did this intentionally just to get a call back and another $100 or whatever they get knowing it would be a simple fix. I cant believe a real installer would forget the most important part of the install--tighten down the dish!