Tonight when I got home, I cranked up the system and was browsing around using the Surf Bar. When I started, it was 8:53 so I had about13 minutes to kill until Alias started. The first few times the bar displayed the Time Now correctly, then all of a sudden, it went back 5 minutes to 8:48, then about 1 minute later, it jumped back up to 8:55.
My theory: I wonder if sometimes the clock goes whacky just before a timer is about to fire? If this were so, then the time would have to stay incorrect for more than 5 minutes so that when it jumped back to the correct time, it would be beyond the start time and fail to fire.
I've noticed while recording my daughter's shows off Disney, that for the past 2 weeks, the time that Voom changed channels corresponded very closely to when my PVR started recording, but this week, Voom has been changing channels about 15 seconds later than it had been.
I wish there was a law that made everyone start at the time they state, it's very frustrating to miss a minute or two here and there. Case in point, I missed the last 5 minutes of Lost tonight because the program ran over and I was not aware of it.
I have a recurring timer setup for my Dish 6000 and PVR and failed to notice the time adjustment until it was too late, I had another recording starting on DiscoveryHD right at 10 PM.
VOOM, YOU NEED TO PUT IN REPEATING TIMERS AND MAKE THE TIMERS MANUALLY ADJUSTABLE. Just imagine how pitiful their PVR will be if it has the same type of Program Planner in it. To me, this is not even program planning as you can't program a damned thing beyond a single event.
My theory: I wonder if sometimes the clock goes whacky just before a timer is about to fire? If this were so, then the time would have to stay incorrect for more than 5 minutes so that when it jumped back to the correct time, it would be beyond the start time and fail to fire.
I've noticed while recording my daughter's shows off Disney, that for the past 2 weeks, the time that Voom changed channels corresponded very closely to when my PVR started recording, but this week, Voom has been changing channels about 15 seconds later than it had been.
I wish there was a law that made everyone start at the time they state, it's very frustrating to miss a minute or two here and there. Case in point, I missed the last 5 minutes of Lost tonight because the program ran over and I was not aware of it.

VOOM, YOU NEED TO PUT IN REPEATING TIMERS AND MAKE THE TIMERS MANUALLY ADJUSTABLE. Just imagine how pitiful their PVR will be if it has the same type of Program Planner in it. To me, this is not even program planning as you can't program a damned thing beyond a single event.