So, is Fridge FTA an authorized Amiko Americas reseller? They're the one that's selling them for $129 [red only] and like Martyn said, it says the firmware is customized for Ireland.
Fridge FTA is owned by T134. He started and OWNS Amiko America!
So, is Fridge FTA an authorized Amiko Americas reseller? They're the one that's selling them for $129 [red only] and like Martyn said, it says the firmware is customized for Ireland.
Definitely. I am still scratching my head trying to figure out why he is undercutting his resellers.Fridge FTA is owned by T134. He started and OWNS Amiko America!
Fridge FTA is owned by T134. He started and OWNS Amiko America!
Black paint?... Not sure, but personally believe unit would have to be sent back to Joe to make it a regular A3
In case you didn't already see it, T134 has red A3's on sale now for $129. His website says they're specially customized. I'm not sure why T134 is substantially undercutting his resellers on price? Maybe they are not as capable as the regular A3's? I don't know.
... If you really want to buy something from a Europe dealer pick well, because all support and any warranty would be from that individual dealer, not us or Amiko.....
Same here.I took "you" in a general collective sense, not personal for individual address.
Speaking of MeTV, Decades, ETC on SES 1. When will the A3 be able to record these channels properly? I have the latest updates and it still does not record properly.
I read over at the Fridge yesterday, that if the drive you use for DVR recordings is formatted as "exFat", (instead of NTFS or FAT) those channels recordings will then play flawlessly.
I haven't tested this as of yet, because I have to get my 2.5" external usb drive bay from work, and put my A3's 1tb drive in it to reformat it exFat from my Windows 7 pc. There doesn't appear to be an Android app that can reformat the drive as exFat when it's installed inside the A3.
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