jrbdmb said:Note that some areas *do* get an extra team or two with Multi-Sport (ex. in western Maryland, you get Orioles / Caps / Wizard with AT100, with Multi-Sport you also get Pirates / Pens).
Never heard this one ... any idea why someone in Pittsburgh cannot order Multi-Sport???Joe P said:And in some areas you get nothing!!! The Multi-Sport package is not available to all Dishnetwork subscribers. It is not available in the Pittsburgh, Pa. DMA. Trust me, I speak from experience.
Joe P.
SAEMike said:I like the multi-sports package for the "other" sports, smaller school college football, college baseball, college hockey, as well as the regional shows and coverage of my Mets and 49ers and different sports wrap up shows from around the country. It's interesting hearing all the different perspectives on the current sports issues. Definitely worth it if you are a complete sports junkie like myself, if not, probably not worth it.
aqela said:You made the same mistake I did. I bought Multi-sport to be able to watch pro soccer, and it too was blacked out. Multi-sport, imo, serves no purpose. Just buy a season package.
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