Is Chief Galin Tyrol the great-great-great-(etc.)-grandfather of Montgomery Scott?
Is Chief Galin Tyrol the great-great-great-(etc.)-grandfather of Montgomery Scott?
I somewhat agree. But, one could also argue that they really had nothing to build the civilization with left. Remember they were fighting over food rations at the end, medicine was gone. Everything had been blasted and broken. They were hanging on by a thread, and it is not clear if they could have even really set up a civilization without it collapsing anyways. They were even out of ammo by this time. Even if they had stayed all in one place after a few generations there probably would have gone back practically to the stone age anyways.
A modern society is very complex. If you were to pick up a town of 30k people from the US and plop it down on another plant, intact, it would not last long. They were not all young strong people, the were not all scientists, they were a cross section of society that just happened to escape the initial blast. Basic things like food and energy become critical. Did they even have the equipment and knowlege to drill for oil? Did they even have a memory of early power sources and machinery? Tillium (sp?) seemed to be a rare ore they find around the galaxy and refined.
Scattering people over the globe would probably be the best system to insure the survival of the species.
Supernatural I can handle but reverting to cave men when the planet of your dreams is yours for the taking is the most unbelievable thing in the history of the universe. In two years without at least iron age tech most of the crew will be dead from just starving to death and sickness. There is a reason why "Eve" died young. At least half would say that Lee was crazy and setup a base camp somewhere else with everything they could take off the ships. (My camp)
Lee took the anti-tech option as a way to solve man-kinds problems but it just destroyed the best option which was to really have peace with man and machine.
As we see 150,000 years later, they made the wrong choice. IMHO
Everyone has to do a Lord of the rings type ending nowadays.. I think it would have been better just to have stopped at the Earth rise on the Moon scene.
I dont see how you can abandon all of those ships with the cylons still out there.
Who's to say they abandoned all technology, it was stated that supplies would be placed around all of the places where the humans were dropped off...
I just don't think it plausible that 35,000 people are going to abandon all technology and live off the land. I don't think they would last a week in a wilderness. It was in many ways a disappointing way to end it. I think they could have chosen to make several colonies, and do as was suggested above, but then if they did that, we would be saying, then why did they end up on earth, and how come we have no record of them.
I will say I am a little confused ... I thought Earth was a radiation wasteland.
So the "Earth" that Kara brought them to, was this a new "Earth" or the same one and they are just living in areas that did not get nuked?
I thought about putting together "one liner" clips like this from previous episodes... like when Tighe and Caprica are in the sickbay with the ultra sound and Doc Cottle tells them to shut the frak up, or Tighe telling Adama about his Grandpa...I loved Adama's line about Baltar and his one track mind... "we can breed with them". That was great.
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