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Charlie Chat HDTV Quote

tomes said:
Why do I have a feeling that Mr. Ergen is watching Voom in his mansion...? Just read that he is the 55th richest guy on the Forbes list. He could take money out of his own pocket and create some HD channels if he really wanted to.

According to those close to Charlie, he doesn't spend much time watching TV.

As was mentioned during today's E* Earnings call....

HDTV is a strategic advantage for DBS companies. DirecTV is being more aggressive with it, while Dish is approaching it from a financial standpoint, and whether it will make them money.

Pretty much what I've been saying all along. E* will provide more HD when it makes economic sense for them to do so.

In other words, if you buy and HDTV or you own an HDTV, go somewhere else to get HD (DirecTv, Cable, VOOM or elsewhere) if you want it. E* is not prepared to do it unless it makes monetary sense to them. Quite a different tune from the Superdish and 50 HD channels. But now, at least us subs are clear where E* stands. Don't cry anymore. Either stick with them until they are ready or move on.
Aww geez Sean, making that your new sig now eh ;)

Dish is a smart and profitable company and to that I say awesome. But yeah don't cry anymore, if you don't like them, go somewhere else, because they will continue their business model that is making them money (which makes sense, duh)
Sean Mota said:
In other words, if you buy and HDTV or you own an HDTV, go somewhere else to get HD (DirecTv, Cable, VOOM or elsewhere) if you want it. E* is not prepared to do it unless it makes monetary sense to them. Quite a different tune from the Superdish and 50 HD channels. But now, at least us subs are clear where E* stands. Don't cry anymore. Either stick with them until they are ready or move on.
Right on. If you want the VOOM originals, go to V*. If you can't get OTA, and you're in one of the areas that will have LIL whenever Spaceway comes online, go to D*. It really is pretty simple.

By the way, that 50 HD statement was "up to 50 HD", much like VOOM's "up to 70 HD".
Sean Mota said:
In other words, if you buy and HDTV or you own an HDTV, go somewhere else to get HD (DirecTv, Cable, VOOM or elsewhere) if you want it. E* is not prepared to do it unless it makes monetary sense to them. Quite a different tune from the Superdish and 50 HD channels. But now, at least us subs are clear where E* stands. Don't cry anymore. Either stick with them until they are ready or move on.

Yep, I'll probably stay with E* for the time being because...

1. I have NY DNS - Grandfathered.
2. CBS-HD - Grandfathered
2. Superstations
3. $11.99 package price for Locals - Supers and DNS - Grandfathered
4. $1.99 a month full equipment warranty - Grandfathered
5. My 501 and 508 don't carry any stupid fee.

I'm probably going to add Star Choice to give me what no one else can offer me at this time. HD Network Programming (besides CBS HD).

Sorry Sean can't add V* :) - I live in the Cascade foothills. An 11 degree elevation and 5000' mountains just doesn't work. :(

BFG said:
Aww geez Sean, making that your new sig now eh ;)

Nothing wrong with that :D It is a fact of life in the HDTV arena. E* pretty much has waved the white flag as far as HD is concerned. Better to let people know that Cable or D* or V* maybe a better option if they are only interested in HD than to come here and rant about not getting enough HD from E* or wondering why Universal HD is not on E*.
NightRyder said:
Sorry Sean can't add V* :) - I live in the Cascade foothills. An 11 degree elevation and 5000' mountains just doesn't work. :(


Never said that anyone should add any particular provider. I said that if you are interested in HD, E* may not be a good choice. The others maybe and it depends on each individual's taste. I myself will probably be dropping E* after 3/31/05 or just get the HD pack for HDnet and HDnet movies. I am considering all my options right now as E* is not delivering what I need. Others may stay and I do not have a problem with that.
Sean Mota said:
In other words, if you buy and HDTV or you own an HDTV, go somewhere else to get HD (DirecTv, Cable, VOOM or elsewhere) if you want it.
If you are going to be snotty about it, let me put it this way ...
If you want to subscribe to a service that is time tested and will be available to customers at the end of April the "somewhere else" will be a smaller list. E* will be there in December. Perhaps they will (finally) get their HD going, perhaps not. But at least E* won't be a memory.

That is a prediction. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. :D

Heh, go jl :)

I'm glad there's at least 1 company (Dish :) ) that operates on a true profit model, and that we can be safe that they wont give everyone what they want. If everyone acted the way Voom does there would be no service providers to subscribe to :D
dodge said:
What Hd is out there other than what charlie has now
network feeds, yes directv has those and they are the only ones with retansmission agreements with the big 4 , and you can get that same crap off of ota.
Voom has what 50 some channels most of which have been created by voom or is upconverted crap.
Directv might have 1 or 2 more hdtv channels than charlie does, but then again they also have 8 million more subs and way more commercial subs than he does.

My other question is what else is out there in hd other than the hd nets , and the special sports nets and locals, nothing that I have ever seen, and when it comes to hd cable is a joke, my local cable co. does not even offer 1 hd channel yet i get like 7 from echostar and 8 ota.

Well my point is here that if you want more hd you need to bitch at the broadcaster and programmers not at charlie.

Just my $.02 worth
Universal-HD, Inhd1, Inhd2, Cinemax HD E/W, Starz E/W, Show W, HBO W, ESPN2HD, TMC-HD. There is 11 just off the top of my head.
I will stay with echostar as well

Yep, I'll probably stay with E* for the time being because...

1. I have NY DNS and LA DNS - Grandfathered.
2. CBS-HD - Grandfathered
2. Superstations
3. $11.99 package price for Locals - Supers and DNS - Grandfathered
4. $1.99 a month full equipment warranty - Grandfathered
5. $8.99 for my DNS from LA and NY D* Wont give it to me
6. My 501 and 721 don't carry any stupid fee.
justalurker said:
If you are going to be snotty about it, let me put it this way ...
If you want to subscribe to a service that is time tested and will be available to customers at the end of April the "somewhere else" will be a smaller list. E* will be there in December. Perhaps they will (finally) get their HD going, perhaps not. But at least E* won't be a memory.

That is a prediction. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. :D


Totally out of the topic at hand. Thank God that there are other providers out there and I do not have to depend on E* for my Tv viewing. Everyone has their own priority. I spent over $15K on three HDTVs not to see overcompressed SD material. My preference is HD and that's what I will always pay for to anyone who provides it. If you decide to stay with E* that is your decision and as I said before, it is up to the each individual to do so.

I was trying to say that E* has clearly stated that HD is not their top priority right now. I expressed my dissastifaction with it and you slammed me with a topic which it is completely out of context. As I said before, I have E*, V* and C*. From Each one, I subscribed to various packages depending on the season and depending on what I want to watch. With E* I have 6 receivers, 2 which I own and 4 which I lease. My programing for E* has disminished over the past few months and the money has been transfered to another provider. Now it is time to further diminished the programming $$$ with E*. So come 4/1/05, whether you believe it or not, I will have more providers than you can think of whether one of them goes out business or not. Hence, your comment was not welcomed by me.

I really do not care whether the Provider is tested and whether is making money. At the end of the day, I am not an investors and I am not a dealer whose livelyhood depends on E*. My concern is only one. I pay for service and I have certain expectations about the programming. Whether the company makes or not makes money in the end, it is not my concern and should not be my concern since I have no investment on them, except for a $1,200 I spent on two crappy receivers and the programming fee I paid every month.

This is where I made the distinction between you and me. I care about one thing --- give me what paid for now. Should the provider go out of business, I move on to the next one without any problems because regardless of your thinking they only care about my $$$$ and do not care about me.
BFG said:
Heh, go jl :)

I'm glad there's at least 1 company (Dish :) ) that operates on a true profit model, and that we can be safe that they wont give everyone what they want. If everyone acted the way Voom does there would be no service providers to subscribe to :D

Again. What does the VOOM statement has anything to do with what is being discussed here. Yes, I take personally because it seems like I cannot discuss anything on this thread without VOOM coming into the conversation when I myself has not brought the subject matter into this.

My statements all had to do with E* and how I felt about E*. I came here and expressed those feelings because I am an E* subscribers unlike how others go to other forums and dispute matters which are of no concern to them because they are not subscribers to the other provider.

I hope you realize that although you feel that my statements are negative towards E*, I haven't stated anything other what E* themselves have said.
Sean Mota said:
Totally out of the topic at hand.
No, not really. As the one who started this thread I think I know the topic. Letting people know exactly what Charlie mumbled, er said, about Rainbow1 Voom and HD during the March Charlie Chat. You seem to hate E* and spend your posts bashing the company (not the subscribers) and suggesting that people go "elsewhere" - and placing the plastic halo on your head you say you don't care where else they go. As long as it isn't E*. :D
Sean Mota said:
I spent over $15K on three HDTVs not to see overcompressed SD material.
That is the problem with being on the leading edge of technology ... you pay the price.
Sean Mota said:
I was trying to say that E* has clearly stated that HD is not their top priority right now.
Do you have to say it so bitterly?
The truth was in this thread before your rants against E*. E* is not planning to do anything with HDTV until at least this fall. And at that time there WILL most likely be a receiver swap and conversion to MPEG4. E* doesn't want to waste their or your money selling recievers that will be repo'd in nine months.

It's good business sense, and it was said humbly by the CEO of the company. Apparently you would rather he spend a lot of money making customers happy now and then spend a lot of money making customers happy later when the customers have to swap out their brand new receivers and make other adjustments. Ergen chose a different business model. A plan that may lead to some short term losses as a few HD purists drift away, but will leave the company IN BUSINESS at the end of the year and in a position to be a leader again.
Sean Mota said:
So come 4/1/05, whether you believe it or not, I will have more providers than you can think of whether one of them goes out business or not.
Really? One cable franchise and two DBS carriers and the possibility of getting HD from the big dish, plus OTA from your local broadcast affiliates. How many more did I miss? There isn't a lot of HD out there.
Sean Mota said:
I really do not care whether the Provider is tested and whether is making money.
That's good. I do care. A company that is making money is more likely to be there to continue to serve me later. I don't want to have to buy new receivers and rewire my house everytime the wind blows "the best" service to another company. That is expensive. I don't have the time to mess with it.

Other people care too, including some of those innocent subscribers you seem to want to convice to go elsewhere. Look through the posts and see what people are saying about ALL the HD sources. E* isn't the only one with a cloud. Cable doesn't reach all homes and many areas are not doing HD cable. D* is falsely advertising 1500 HD channels showing SD TVs yerning to receive it (at least Voom and Comcast use HD sets in their ads!). E* likes promising content in "the fall". V* may not be there next month. All of this has been pointed out in this thread.

But you seem to be touchy about that last possibility - overly sensitive any time someone reminds you that Voom might not be there some day. It is all part of the story.
Sean Mota said:
Yes, I take personally because it seems like I cannot discuss anything on this thread without VOOM coming into the conversation when I myself has not brought the subject matter into this.
When one discusses HD and satellite Voom immediately comes to mind. Blame the marketers ... at least people are making the connection. You have tried not to suggest Voom directly, but you certainly errupt when anyone mentions it may shut down.

If your HD provider really means nothing to you then don't sweat the small stuff.

Wow. I'm glad I'm not alone anymore and have people that can make real arguments cause I suck ;)

Sean, whether you see it or not, you have been bashing E* and doing more than saying what they're saying themselves.

Telling people that if they want HD to go somewhere else besides E* is pretty insulting to people like me who enjoy E*'s HD service. Sorry but I associate you with Voom, even if in this case you also happen to have Dish. So because of that, I feel the need to defend my service, just like the voomers do.

Like JL has said, the price has been payed to enjoy HD early and ahead of the curve.

I am completely happy with the quality content that E* and the networks provide me. And I'm frankly appalled by the "stuff" that voom has people paying more for that is repeated 24/7 to death on 21 channels simply because it's "HD".

I'm sorry, I enjoy HD and all but having the quality the networks and the stations E* has is way better than the voom stuff. And I will never watch something simply because it's "HD". I think most people agree with me on that and I think the voom subscriber count backs me up...
Not to harp or go off topic... but I just dumped E* this week over HD. I was paying, in essence, $44 a month for HD... I leased an 811, so I had to take the AT60 and the HD Package.

I found I was spending 95% or more of my TV watching time on the my OTA Locals (and still had to pay for satellite locals). Spent the other 5% of the watching VH1. (Sorry... I run 40 miles a week on my treadmill, and I love running to music videos)

Found a good Samsung SIR-T151 for $55 on ebay. Spent $125 on a MPEG 2 FTA receiver so I could watch "the tube" for free. (It's broadcast free, I'm no hacker!).

I now have dozens of free satellite channels, and all the major networks in HD, for what it cost me for about 4 months of very basic DISH services.

As for watching stuff just because it's HD... I think everybody goes through that phase. The whole reason I switched from directtv to dishnet was because I could get a free HD receiver. Then you better believe I was glued to HDNET and HDNET movies for a month or two.... it wears off really quick.
snathanb said:
FTA receiver so I could watch "the tube" for free. (It's broadcast free, I'm no hacker!).
Right on! It's also commercial free! (has occasional PSA though) :yes Ok, back on topic. :)
justalurker said:
No, not really. As the one who started this thread I think I know the topic. Letting people know exactly what Charlie mumbled, er said, about Rainbow1 Voom and HD during the March Charlie Chat. You seem to hate E* and spend your posts bashing the company (not the subscribers) and suggesting that people go "elsewhere" - and placing the plastic halo on your head you say you don't care where else they go. As long as it isn't E*. :D

Wrong. I am repeating what Charlie said about E* and HD. They have no plans right now and did not have any two years ago. They were just stringing subscribers along with all their public "lies" about HD. That's no public bashing. That's only what they themselves said about themselves. I said very clearly and you misquoted me and you are misinterpreting my statement. Go back and read before misquoting me. I said and I repeat:

"In other words, if you buy and HDTV or you own an HDTV, go somewhere else to get HD (DirecTv, Cable, VOOM or elsewhere) if you want it. E* is not prepared to do it unless it makes monetary sense to them....But now, at least us subs are clear where E* stands. Don't cry anymore. Either stick with them until they are ready or move on. "

In no way, I said to all E* subs go somewhere else because E* is a bad provider. I said go somewhere else if your main interest is "HD". That is a true based on the post you first posted. Is it not? As I said before, I have no interest whatsoever what each subscriber decides. I am not a dealer, I am not an investor and I do not get comissions from V*, E* or D* or C*. I do not care where you go. I have no special interest.

justalurker said:
That is the problem with being on the leading edge of technology ... you pay the price.

I also paid the price with the 6000u and the 721 unit. I guess I should go back and sell my HDTVs are somehow not in sync with E*'s HD plans. I can assure you that your logic could not be any more wrong on this one. That's why there is more providers in the market. Thank God there is.

justalurker said:
Do you have to say it so bitterly?
The truth was in this thread before your rants against E*.

How else do you want me to say it? Did I curse? Was I sarcastic? was I unpolite? I said it in layman's term. Simple and to the point. Not hidden in anyway.

justalurker said:
E* is not planning to do anything with HDTV until at least this fall.

That I agree with you. But shouldn't they have said that on May 1, 2003. On May 1, 2003, they said with "Superdish we will have up to 50 HD channels" (I introduced the "up to" since some of you were so adament about it). It is now going to be 2 years later on May 1, 2005 and they are saying "Fall 2005 and MPEG-4". Maybe just maybe they should have said this on May 1, 2003: "We would not have any HD plans until the Fall of 2005". That way we would have known better their plans and move on.

justalurker said:
And at that time there WILL most likely be a receiver swap and conversion to MPEG4.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Wonder where you heard about the receiver swap... Do you really think that E* will swap all the HD receivers bought by owners for free. If that is true JL, I won't sell my two crappy 6000u receivers since right now I can't get a decent price of what I paid for them. I hope you are right and I hope you can state some evidence where E* has stated that they will swap all receivers for free or at a reduced price. I like to know the reduce price as well.

justalurker said:
E* doesn't want to waste their or your money selling recievers that will be repo'd in nine months.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Let me 942 is jus one that come to mind that is not MPEG-4 upgrable and they are releasing as a new brand receiver that it is absolete before it hits the market.

justalurker said:
It's good business sense, and it was said humbly by the CEO of the company. Apparently you would rather he spend a lot of money making customers happy now and then spend a lot of money making customers happy later when the customers have to swap out their brand new receivers and make other adjustments. Ergen chose a different business model. A plan that may lead to some short term losses as a few HD purists drift away, but will leave the company IN BUSINESS at the end of the year and in a position to be a leader again.

This is your own speculation with a projection that he will be in a better position down the road. As he is doing this remember that there others as well that is not sleeping and will do everything in the power to grab the market share. We'll see down the road.

justalurker said:
Really? One cable franchise and two DBS carriers and the possibility of getting HD from the big dish, plus OTA from your local broadcast affiliates. How many more did I miss? There isn't a lot of HD out there.

again you do not see my point and again you come back to the same rhetoric about not "enough HD out there". Enough about that there is plenty of HD channels not carried by E*. Right now if anyone wants to catch all the HD possible, you will need two or three different providers but the HD channels are available elsewhere.

justalurker said:
That's good. I do care. A company that is making money is more likely to be there to continue to serve me later. I don't want to have to buy new receivers and rewire my house everytime the wind blows "the best" service to another company. That is expensive. I don't have the time to mess with it. Other people care too, including some of those innocent subscribers you seem to want to convice to go elsewhere.

You have your believe. But as a subscriber I do not care about the companies finance. The same way I do not care who gives phone service or provides with electricity. I paid them a monthly bill and I get service. That's all I am asking. You have a misconception about re-wiring and new receivers. There is none of that if you know how to do it. As I said before, I do not care where you go and you are misquoting my statement. Please read carefully what I stated.

justalurker said:
Look through the posts and see what people are saying about ALL the HD sources. E* isn't the only one with a cloud. Cable doesn't reach all homes and many areas are not doing HD cable. D* is falsely advertising 1500 HD channels showing SD TVs yerning to receive it (at least Voom and Comcast use HD sets in their ads!). E* likes promising content in "the fall". V* may not be there next month. All of this has been pointed out in this thread.

All providers have their good and their bad. There is none of them that can satisfy anyone. I do not bring D*, C* or V* problems here because it is not relevant to the conversation. We are talking about E* and their planning. If I want to speak about other providers I will do it on their respective forums or threads. That seems to be more appropiate.

justalurker said:
But you seem to be touchy about that last possibility - overly sensitive any time someone reminds you that Voom might not be there some day. It is all part of the story.

You are so wrong. You brought the subject up because you think it will make a whole in my argument. As I said before this thread has nothing to do with the other providers but with E*. It seems like people are very proud of going in a different tangent and not sticking to the topic at for the purpose of trying to flaw the arguments at thand.

justalurker said:
When one discusses HD and satellite Voom immediately comes to mind. Blame the marketers ... at least people are making the connection. You have tried not to suggest Voom directly, but you certainly errupt when anyone mentions it may shut down.

If your HD provider really means nothing to you then don't sweat the small stuff.

Again you are wrong. Point in this thread where your "lies" are true. Where did I errupted in the manner which you implied (even in the VOOM forum). I for one have Dish and VOOM and can talk about both because I have them. You, on the other hand, go to the VOOM forum to poison every thread with your VENOM and do not have VOOM at all. Why is that? Why don't you stay here in the E* forum and stay away from the VOOM forum? Again, you are going on a tangent here with the only purpose of getting off track in the topic at hand. There's no need to do that.
BFG said:
Sean, whether you see it or not, you have been bashing E* and doing more than saying what they're saying themselves.

Show me where I have said anything of what E* has not said.

BFG said:
Telling people that if they want HD to go somewhere else besides E* is pretty insulting to people like me who enjoy E*'s HD service.

Is this the bashing that you are referring to? Do not make me laugh Bryan. I am only stating what E* themselves said. Did not Charlie said also that people wanted the YES network to go to another provider because he did not see how E* could add that channel. This is basically the same statement but to HD. If you are offended by that Bryan, very sorry but I do not know how else you want me to put it without you getting offended. Do you have a suggestion?

BFG said:
Sorry but I associate you with Voom, even if in this case you also happen to have Dish.

That's your decision Bryan and your opinion. As I said before I have as much right as you or any E* subscriber to post on the E* forum. I had dish way before VOOM since 1996 and have seen the progressively inverse negative that they have done to their service.

BFG said:
So because of that, I feel the need to defend my service, just like the voomers do.

Bryan, is quite interested that you do. I do not have a problem with that. Two side of the stories is always better than one. This is why we have these debates. However, what I do not do is go and debate on Forums without first hand experience on the matter. Sorry to say but you have done this here at Satelliteguys on the VOOM forum and at AVS. If you call my rant "ranting" what should we call yours?

BFG said:
I am completely happy with the quality content that E* and the networks provide me.

I never said there was anything wrong with the quality content that E* provides.

BFG said:
And I'm frankly appalled by the "stuff" that voom has people paying more for that is repeated 24/7 to death on 21 channels simply because it's "HD".

Here's where you get in trouble Bryan. You do not have first hand knowledge to make such a statement about a service that you yourself haven't had. You can repeat eveyrything repeated by others but you are ranting about something you do not know first hand experience.

BFG said:
I'm sorry, I enjoy HD and all but having the quality the networks and the stations E* has is way better than the voom stuff.

Again the same ranting without even know what you are talking about.

BFG said:
And I will never watch something simply because it's "HD". I think most people agree with me on that and I think the voom subscriber count backs me up...

That's your decision where are the VOOM subscribers that are backing you up on this. I remember clearly in one thread that they categorized you as "thread virus" since you were poking your nose on so many issues in their threads.

Again Bryan, you brought up the stuff at VOOM and try to go on a tangent with it. Just like JL. This is not on the topic.
Sean Mota said:
justalurker said:
And at that time there WILL most likely be a receiver swap and conversion to MPEG4.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Wonder where you heard about the receiver swap... Do you really think that E* will swap all the HD receivers bought by owners for free.
Where did I say it would be free? Putting words in my posts again? How about the words I wrote in the next bit you quoted ... E* doesn't want to waste YOUR money ...
Sean Mota said:
justalurker said:
E* doesn't want to waste their or your money selling recievers that will be repo'd in nine months.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Let me 942 is jus one that come to mind that is not MPEG-4 upgrable and they are releasing as a new brand receiver that it is absolete before it hits the market.
People are begging for that receiver now ... if they didn't offer it in limited release you would be here complaining that they never release a receiver on schedule. Customers are DEMANDING to buy an obsolete receiver.
Sean Mota said:
This is your own speculation with a projection that he will be in a better position down the road. As he is doing this remember that there others as well that is not sleeping and will do everything in the power to grab the market share. We'll see down the road.
Yes we will see down the road. But ALL other competition have to deal in the same market that E* is "ignoring" for the next few months. The lack of HD content *to* carry isn't E*'s decision. D* will sell a few systems and tick people off with their lack of HD channels. Unless someone buys Voom content, Voom survives or a couple dozen new channels enter the market there will be NO provider with 39 HD channels. NO provider can carry what isn't there.

The HD available list was posted on the Voom forum. Don't ignore it.

Your beliefs are not the only valid ones. Thousand word rebuttals repeating the same old same old don't help the discussion. The last word doesn't mean either side wins. All the facts have been stated. Your whining will not lead to your winning.
Sean Mota said:
I do not bring D*, C* or V* problems here because it is not relevant to the conversation. We are talking about E* and their planning. If I want to speak about other providers I will do it on their respective forums or threads. That seems to be more appropiate.
When you are COMPARING OPTIONS it is very appropriate to be honest about the failings of the competition.
Sean Mota said:
justalurker said:
But you seem to be touchy about that last possibility - overly sensitive any time someone reminds you that Voom might not be there some day. It is all part of the story.
You are so wrong. You brought the subject up because you think it will make a whole in my argument.
Or make your argument hole? I KNOW why I brought up Voom. To say that you know my mind better than I know my mind is an incredible statement. Perhaps you should change your name to Carnack?

Sean Mota said:
You, on the other hand, go to the VOOM forum to poison every thread with your VENOM and do not have VOOM at all.
Tell you what. If you remove all personal attacks on the Voom forum posted by Voom subscribers I'll take you seriously. Or change the rules of the Voom forum so only subscribers and pro-Voom posters can post there. Either make it an open forum for discussion or a club for Voomers, but stop the apparent lie that it is an open forum.

It would be nice if there was a forum where people discussed Voom and not each other. I'm sorry that this thread turned in to an "each other" - that was not my intent - the poison of a pro Voom sensitive poster entered in.

BFG: Perhaps a thread split is in order? Posts about Charlie's re-announced plans stay and the I hate E* and personal posts go?

NBR for 50x series???

MDU install? can i do it?

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