justalurker said:Where did I say it would be free? Putting words in my posts again? How about the words I wrote in the next bit you quoted ... E* doesn't
want to waste YOUR money ...
JL, It looks like you do not properly read before answering. Please read my quote:
"I hope you are right and I hope you can state some evidence where E* has stated that they will swap all receivers for free or at a reduced price.
I like to know the reduce price as well."
I highlighted the words. Again you did not answer my question...Where did you hear about a swap program? If there is such a program we would like to know
whether is free or at a reduced price. If it is at a reduced price, what is the reduced price? If you know the answers to your own speculation answer them.
justalurker said:People are begging for that receiver now ... if they didn't offer it in limited release you would be here complaining that they never
release a receiver on schedule. Customers are DEMANDING to buy an obsolete receiver.
I am glad we can both agree on the obsolete receiver

justalurker said:Yes we will see down the road. But ALL other competition have to deal in the same market that E* is "ignoring" for the next few months.
The lack of HD content *to* carry isn't E*'s decision. D* will sell a few systems and tick people off with their lack of HD channels. Unless someone buys
Voom content, Voom survives or a couple dozen new channels enter the market there will be NO provider with 39 HD channels. NO provider can carry what isn't
there. The HD available list was posted on the Voom forum. Don't ignore it.
I really do not get your answer. The list is on this thread also but you seem to ignore or pretend to ignore that there are HD channels available today
which any provider can pick up. E* has decided not to do it because their business model states that they won't make enough $$$$ to carry them. Can you
agree with me on that?
justalurker said:Your beliefs are not the only valid ones. Thousand word rebuttals repeating the same old same old don't help the discussion. The last
word doesn't mean either side wins. All the facts have been stated. Your whining will not lead to your winning.
I never thought I was whining but offering a debate to you and those that were defending the reason E* has decided now that the addition of HD channels is
not in their business model today. This is contrary to what we, E* subscribers interested in HD, were lead to believe since May 1, 2003. I never said that
mine were the only one to be believed. I am not so ignorant! Again I am repeating my quotes because you did not read them correctly and decided to misquote
me. It is only fair that you clearly state what I said previously.
justalurker said:When you are COMPARING OPTIONS it is very appropriate to be honest about the failings of the competition.
Again the thread is not about the failing of the competition. So I do not know what that has to do with the topic at hand.
justalurker said:Or make your argument hole?
Thanks for correcting my spelling.

justalurker said:I KNOW why I brought up Voom. To say that you know my mind better than I know my mind is an incredible statement. Perhaps you should
change your name to Carnack?
You lost me here. I am only stating what you wrote. I do not know your mind and don't want to know it either. I have enough dealing with mine

justalurker said:Tell you what. If you remove all personal attacks on the Voom forum posted by Voom subscribers I'll take you seriously.
JL, you have to be kidding right? I have counted about 50-100 different posts that I had to remove from the VOOM forum because of your persisting in
stating that you knew more than anyone in that forum. That everyone wants to attack you, you brought that onto yourself. I have done the best I can and the
other moderators to keep things from getting out of control by removing posts that were personal attacks against you.
justalurker said:Or change the rules of the Voom forum so only subscribers and pro-Voom posters can post there. Either make it an open forum for discussion
or a club for Voomers, but stop the apparent lie that it is an open forum.
The problem JL is that you do not have VOOM and want to bring your VENOM. Even others who have posted opposite views about VOOM are now also attacking you.
Does it say something about you? The VOOM forum is fine. The problem is that you bring the same VENOM all over various threads and when new information
comes out that it is positive, you fail to recognize and incorporate to your arguments.
justalurker said:It would be nice if there was a forum where people discussed Voom and not each other. I'm sorry that this thread turned in to an "each
other" - that was not my intent - the poison of a pro Voom sensitive poster entered in.
Here we go again accusing people for what they are not. You brough up other subjects which I said it was out of topic and continued to persue them in that
direction. If you accused me of something, should I keep quiet. No that is not just me. I have tried to debate you from the point of view of E* and you
brough up other providers which added nothing to the thread.