You can't record the Platinum stuff (it's a stream).
I'd like to make some comments about Dish streaming. Ever since I got the Adaptive Streaming update to my 722 (L677), I've been playing with both HD and SD streaming every day and every night (except today). It has buffered a few seconds (15 at most and usually much less) before the Watch button gets enabled, and the streaming has been spectacular. Glitchless. Never buffered. Even the SD cartoons I watched looked more like a DVD than Dish satellite SD. When it works, it's an impressive improvement.
Now I gather that the servers have been hammered today and glitch-less streaming is no longer happening. Typical Dish: make a big-splash announcement without everything ready. Also on the downside, I see the BBMP name change both on my 722 and my online account, but I don't see any different content than the old Platinum stuff; it just streams much more rapidly, rather than making me wait for hours. The 3rd downside is the arrangement is still a big ultra
slow list with grossly inadequate organization.
I'm also a 30th anniversary PlatinumHD customer, so apparently I don't get disks at home without cancelling my freebie. Unlike some, I think I have 4 months left, and I might as well keep Netflix/Qwikster rather than throw away that freebie.

I also mucked about with my account this evening, including changing the action at the end of the promo from Do Not Continue to Continue, without enabling anything (such as DVD queue management).
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Edited to add: how did I get side-tracked like this? I quoted Hall and still went blind to his thought! OK, here's the thing. I queued up 5 or 6 movies every night, and they all said something like "available for 29 days", and every last one of them for at least the last 3 days in a row have been automatically deleted before I could watch them. Is that how this is supposed to work?

If it's "streaming only", then it should say so, and not suggest it's going to be there when I get back to it. This is a complete waste of disk space and bandwidth to download/delete movies unviewed.