You can only have one uhf and one IR remote at a time, so your system should work.
Programmed my new 21.0 Sunday night. The TV1 now has the original 5.3 IR remote and the UHF enabled 21.0 remote (the wife uses the old one). TV2 has the original UHF remote.
For the first time, one remote fully controls the 722, home theater, TV, and the DVD player. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can use as many of either type remote as you want.
I just got this remote, and the codes work for my Epson projector and my Onkyo receiver as well as my Sony DVD player which is great. I was hoping I could change some of the button's commands on the remote while in the SAT mode, but it seems this isn't possible. Am I right. or am I doing something wrong?
I was thinking of copying the TiVo remote into the remote next.
I don't think it gets any cheaper...20 bucks TYD.
eBay Seller: sharkey003: Electronics items on eBay.com
I received my new 21.0 IR/UHF Pro remote today and it was able to control my Olevia monitor.
I am using it for TV2 (UHF mode) with my 622 receiver.
The secondary remote address is 15 and it shows up as a UHF Pro Band A.
I did not order an additional 21.0 remote for TV1 so I am using the standard 5.3 IR remote for TV1.
I attempted to do the download from my 622 using the following steps:
1) Hit menu key twice and got system info screen
2) Selected next and screen shows no remote available for TV1 download.
3) Selected next and screen instructions told how to begin remote information transfer.
4) Pressed and Held the SAT button until the mode buttons lit up.
5) Pressed the Info button.
All of the mode buttons started flashing red and the SAT button flashed green.
Bar showing download progress showed about 20% done.
Then 622 reboots.
My 622 software version is L618RBDD-N.
Tried hard reboot of 622 (unplug for 30 sec) but no success.
DISH technical support took my info and will send it to the engineering group.
Could my problem be related to the fact that I am not using a 21 remote for TV1 but only for TV2?
Has anyone got the download to work with a 622 receiver using TV2?
Update: After testing this 8 times, I now get an error message 933 "Error performing the download!" But now my 622 does not reboot.
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