Yeah, that's pretty much Corporate America these days.Dish cares about 1 thing....
It isn't ethics.
It's the bottom line.

Yeah, that's pretty much Corporate America these days.Dish cares about 1 thing....
It isn't ethics.
It's the bottom line.
mike123abc said:And yet you chose to work at Dish. And by what you say have worked there for a while, so you have your personal reasons for taking the job and staying with it.
And yet they manage to maintain a workforce of many thousands of people. Very few people end up with the dream job that they love to go to day in and day out. It is called work for a reason. Perhaps it is the economy that keeps them in a job, perhaps it is decisions they made years ago like where they wanted to live, education, etc... Again the people working there have decided to stay for one reason or another - as bad as they think it is at Dish, it is the best for them at that moment.
Unfortunately the bigger the company the more rules they seem to have in place. People making the rules tend to be removed from the work they are making rules about. They pretty much know people will do a lot of things to not lose their jobs, so they make the rules that push it to the edge.
And yet you chose to work at Dish. And by what you say have worked there for a while, so you have your personal reasons for taking the job and staying with it.
mike123abc said:I am not defending Dish or the employees. I am just pointing out a basic fact of life that work tends not to be a fun dream job. There is always a reason people have the job they have. Employer's objectives tend to be different than employee's objectives. Surveys of disgruntled workers will exist at pretty much any company, even companies that most people would think is a dream job. People will change jobs to what they think is better and find out there are new problems they did not know about, or that they thought would not bother them when they took the job.
You can either approach it with a good attitude and not let it get to you, or you can enter a negative downward spiral which causes you to give up a job which really turns out to have been the best for you at that time. I am not saying to stop looking for a better job or opportunity which could come up at any time, but to not let your job dislikes spill over and ruin your personal life.
One question mike123abc,
Are you a Dish employee?
One question mike123abc,
Are you a Dish employee?
iamfoesho said:If starbase serves me correct, he might be a Blockbuster employee (In-store Customer Service).
mike123abc said:No, but I have worked for large corporations and I know they rarely change employee treatment unless there is a change at the top, no matter how much employee complaining there is. The larger they grow the more and more rules they put in place. Dish appears to be headed down the same path, it is no longer a small scrappy startup but now a mature company.
That's how dish gets you. They actually do pay pretty good I mean you can easily make 50k a year. And without a degree of some kind it's really hard to find anything comparable in this economy. So as others have said I love the job but utterly hate the company.
Ok.........34,000 employees, 346 reviewed. And this is the basis for their article. One thing I try to do is find out who is who is writing this article (24/7 Wall St.) and who came up with the numbers ( Glassdoor). I am less impressed with them then I am with the article. Looks like a 2 companies trying to get as much coverage as they can by using a minor percentage of reviews. You do realize you can get surveys to turn out any way you want just by narrowing your demographic to those who will answer your questions favorable to your desired outcome.
If the articles reviews are from subscribers, 346 out of 14 million, the article was a total waste of bandwidth.
Now I am not saying that Dish has no problems, it clearly does. It should strive to do better. And my only hope is it will do so.
Now if there was a study/review of at least 50% of Dish employees and this was the outcome, my conclusion would be yes, Dish has a problem with its employees
Based on a lot of the comments here it looks like it started to happen when Charlie left the day to day operations and went to play with the Echostar side of things.
No this crap started about 4 years ago. It has gotten much worse in the last 2 years though.
No this crap started about 4 years ago. It has gotten much worse in the last 2 years though.
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