Well, I for one am canceling my Voom service from E*, until they launch the Voom21.. I have seen the same concerts, Red Bull events, and horror flics over and over for the last few weeks.. until they start adding some content to their existing 10, and include the other 11, sorry E*, but you dont get my $5/mo
Well, I for one am canceling my Voom service from E*, until they launch the Voom21.. I have seen the same concerts, Red Bull events, and horror flics over and over for the last few weeks.. until they start adding some content to their existing 10, and include the other 11, sorry E*, but you dont get my $5/mo
My HDTV took its last broadcast at the end of April when Voom died. Sadly I sold the antenna and the stb. No service out there is worth the money, and Voom in its original 21 channel format was worth twice the price compared to what's available now.
If I had signed up with Dish I would be right where ultratryon is now.
Come on, providers. Let's have another class act like Voom!