Plywodstatebum said:Thats great now the PQ will even be worse
Jamey K said:I'm glad for everyone who has E* but this really isolates me even more. Since I'm with D* now, it looks like this forum will move from VOOM to Voom/DISH. I'm stuck....I was told to find another provider and I did. For a year.
For me, this news is as bad as VOOM closing.
As a come on, it means at the beginning of 2006 or sooner. As an excuse during 2006 when they don't have it, it means by the end of 2006 with any luck.seandudley said:I got to thinking about this a bit more. I'm not sure if "by 2006" means by the beginning of 2006, or no later than the end of 2006. What do you guys think?
It really means nothing other than at the time it was written V* expects that E* will carry all 21 at some point in the future. It isn't a guarantee.seandudley said:I got to thinking about this a bit more. I'm not sure if "by 2006" means by the beginning of 2006, or no later than the end of 2006. What do you guys think?
I did two 811's and paid 19.95 for the 625 with no comittment to see if they really add the hd content. since i have no comitment my equipment is under constant warranty. when they step up to the plate i will get the hd dvr. my cost was $49.95 refunded first month + 19.95. Then the discounts for the first three months off the programming and 12 months off the hd programming. No losse scenario. If D* comes out with something better, I switch.!!!tdillon said:I just signed up with DISH for a 4-room deal. The HD DVR 942 and the SD DVR 625 are in the package. 299.99 delivered and installed. I am leasing both boxes. Both STB's have 2 satellite tuners and the HD one also has an OTA ATSC tuner. They use each box to feed 2 tv's. I did the 2 year commitment to get the SD box and the equipment warranty for "free".
I chose the "America's Everything Pak (with locals)" and the "HD programming" package. This package better contain the Voom programming or I will be upset.
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