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DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/11/2008 6:37am - No new HD | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 4/11/2008 6:37am - No new HD

The lack of transponder space coupled with some legal complication has been the prime explanation of the lack of new National HD for over a year now. And for a long time it was the primary explanation of why DIsh hadn't released any new HD locals too.

But then, even without new sats, Dish managed to move the internationals and get SOME new HD locals lit up on 61.5 before Sky Angel's TPs were released. Of course, Sky Angel's TPs significantly increased the capacity of the spot beams on 61.5 and the full rollout of HD locals picked up steam. The point is that the rollout of new HD Locals was NOT an all or nothing (Legal/Technical) thing that absolutely depended on additional capacity. It was a Strategic thing that required someone to realize that by using MPEG4 only, they could cram a bunch of HD locals on 61.5 in spot beam mode. And furthermore, Dish could have lit up a couple of HD local DMAs months prior to Sky Angel's TP release. What was missing was the strategy or the will to implement it. AMC-14, etc. was probably the catalyst to this strategic shift but thankfully AMC-14 has not been necessary for the HD Locals rollout.

This is why I believe that the delay in releasing ANY new National HD is primarily Strategic too. I find it hard to believe that ALL of the National HD content providers are requiring more channels than Dish has capacity to deliver at this time. IOW that the bundle of channels required by even the smallest National HD content provider is larger than the space available on 110, 119 and/or 129&61.5. IMHO Dish's National HD roll out strategy was (and probably still is) to make a big splash with the most popular National HD channels turned on at the same time. And it is this _strategy_ that has kept them from turning on a few National HD channels to date.

OTOH all I know is what I read in this forum and some of that is suspect :)

Talon Dancer
... I hope that your #3 is right and we wake up next week with a ton of new HD in a big splash. But, right now the splash appears limited to at most 9 channels.....
FWIW I consider 9 channels of new National HD lit up on the same day a "big splash" :) But I don't think Dish does :( So I'm not expecting any new National HD any time errr... soon.

BTW I am quite happy with my dishHD (only) package, now that it includes the Austin HD locals :) The only, I'll repeat ONLY, National HD channel I really wanted by now was Sci-Fi HD, so that my wife would have been able to see BSG's final season before it goes into re-runs. Now that Dish missed the season premier (twice, but who's counting), it really doesn't matter very much to us when they finally get their strategy together and light up more National HD.

Talon Dancer
From where I'm sitting the delay on releasing HD nationals looks to be almost entirely Strategic. BTW if I'm right, Dish will launch a whole slew of HD nationals on the very same day with a huge amount of fan fair --- SOON :rolleyes:

I said that quite a while ago. Since there was no logical reason to not add channels, I figured they were waiting to launch them along with the Eastern Arc project at their precious Team Summit. (What a crock, wasting money on a private show like that. If you want to communicate with your business partners, that's what email is for.) Then we heard that Eastern Arc wasn't going to start until after Team Summit, and wouldn't be available to existing customers at the start anyway, so now I really have no idea what the hell is going on.
Cleveland HD locals

Just finished up getting a wing dish pointed to 61.5 and a upgrade to dish 1000.2 from 1000 (necessary to get STO and FSN HD on 129). No charge. I was first customer in Akron, OH area for the tech. so its was a learning experience for him too.
Just finished up getting a wing dish pointed to 61.5 and a upgrade to dish 1000.2 from 1000 (necessary to get STO and FSN HD on 129). No charge. I was first customer in Akron, OH area for the tech. so its was a learning experience for him too.

Funny. Just did two today in Akron (more specifically, 44306 part of Akron).

First one all I had to do was install the wing dish for the 61.5; the D1000.2 was already present. The second one I swung the existing D1000 to 61.5 and put up a new D1000.2. Seemed better in the long run. Using a D1000 for 61.5, IMO, will keep the rainfade to a bare minimum.
Still dont know for sure whats going on with the local hd for Cleveland,Ohio but I called today and spoke with rob ,srv.rep. and he scheduled me for this tuesday to put a 20 inch dish pointing at 61.5 for no charge to recieve the locals in hd. Will reply back on tuesday to let you all know what happens at my house as far as getting the locals in hd
Will be getting my wing tomorrow I wish I could be home for it though just to see what the options the tech has for me. Soon has actually arrived in part so I will be happy for a while again.
The second one I swung the existing D1000 to 61.5 and put up a new D1000.2. Seemed better in the long run. Using a D1000 for 61.5, IMO, will keep the rainfade to a bare minimum.
Yea I doubt rain fade will be a problem with this setup, even though rain fade is really hardly a problem, but its the biggest eyesore there ever was I bet. 2 Dish 500's is bad enough.
I want to work for Dish..

I want to work at Dish in the programming area! Come in on tuesday, drink coffee-eat donuts and decide what switches to flip on wednesday:rolleyes:. All switches flipped and everything going ok- go home and show up the next tuesday. Now that's the workweek I want and I want it now:D.
Seriously, I can't believe that nothing is done at any other time in the past X number of months. Sad situation with this company.
I want to work at Dish in the programming area! Come in on tuesday, drink coffee-eat donuts and decide what switches to flip on wednesday:rolleyes:. All switches flipped and everything going ok- go home and show up the next tuesday. Now that's the workweek I want and I want it now:D.
Seriously, I can't believe that nothing is done at any other time in the past X number of months. Sad situation with this company.

In the dictionary, next to clueless is your picture.

Please light up some new national HD if for no other reason than to stop the sniping between members here in the E* forums. Then, we'll be free to put the heat back on you and start threads bitchin' about the poor PQ on those channels.

Thank you.

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