Ours is open 7 nights a week and has double features...
Almost 8 years. Wow. But you one lucky SOB to have such a nice option!
Ours is open 7 nights a week and has double features...
No, he held a rave in our former walk in theater which is beside the Detention center... and got busted.OMG. Hopefully, not due to business reverses.
I wonder if the ladies look back on drive-in dates fondly.
For anyone outside Oklahoma that picks up OETA (Oklahoma PBS) via FTA. It is pledge month and they had a special this morning called "Oklahoma I Remember". There was a nice 15 min or so segment about Oklahoma Drive Ins of the past. Had some video and pictures of many of the old drive ins and whats left of some of them. There are currently still 7 working Drive Ins in Oklahoma.
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